Broken Bed- A Sign From God Read Count : 115

Category : Diary/Journal

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So my bed broke yesterday and I knew that it had some sign from god. I just knew it had a deeper meaning. And unknowingly I tried to fix it with drilling nails in it but there wasn't much integrity. The split wood stayed together but it wasn't strong. I then put a stack of books under my bed to support it and that did the Trick. I asked god if afrimations were okay and I just felt in my heart that it wasn't. But I didn't know if I was deceiving myself. My faith wasn't very Strong. So I asked god for a sign. It took me a little bit to understand. But eventually I got it.  The wood represents me. When the wood broke I jumped on my bed pretty hard. Which I believe represents a life changing alteration. Which then broke the wood or me in two. I tried to fix the split wood with nails or afrimations but it wasn't enough. The wood was back together but with a little pressure it would easily split again. So I added the books as support. The bed was still indeed split and essentially had a scar but could never fall with the support that was under it. I believe the support is God and strong people that you should or could have in your life. Mentors that can help you in your Christan walk. 


  • Jun 09, 2017

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