Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I'm sitting alone in a room full of people
They see me feeling miserable
Do they come and talk to me? No
Do they invite me over? No
They act like I'm invisible
But no I'm just miserable
That once one friend leaves I'm all alone
All I'm left with is music on my phone
I watch people watching me
Almost feeling sorry for me
But not enough to make me smile
To turn my world upside down for a while
Instead I sit and wait for time to finally go by
But it creeps too slowly, I feel like I want to die
Yet I stay there
And act like I don't care
That I'm sitting in a room full of people
Who treat me like I'm invisible
Except that I'm not
But it seems like I too forgot
That I can be seen
As tears start to stream
Down my face and I wipe them away
For those who see but don't say
Anything to help me
Because apparently there's a fee
To help those who are broken inside
Who stay strong and hide
Until they finally break
Because life isn't a piece of cake
It isn't sweet enough
Because people can be rough
To someone sitting alone in a room full people
Just watching her be miserable
The only time I don't feel lonely
Is when people ask if the space around me is free
But then they go back to talking
And I go back to not existing
The worst part is when “friends” are just on the otherside
And I'm not about to hide
But I wonder if they see me there
Do they just not care
That I'm sitting all by myself
Why don't they offer to help?
Because they're not true
They see the blue
Tears that fall from my eyes
When I am ready to say Goodbye