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Processing Your Thoughts: Improve Your Thinking
Robert Wallace & Maria
Annabella Jimendoza
What follows in this book, is a thought processing methodology…the technology for changing your awareness of how you think, remember and process thoughts.
Technology, being a systematic approach and awareness described as something that you already possess and can use to adapt how you react to events.
Few people realize that they can change how they actually perceive both the internal and external worlds they live in. Most of us are destined to endlessly repeat similar thinking processes even if we or even our surroundings change, but processing perception doesn’t need to a cycle of redundant conflicts. We already have the necessary equipment, tools and intelligence to design how to remodel our thought life. We just need to become more aware of what we already have available. Yeah for us.
This book was designed as the application portion, or “how to portion” of a thesis we wrote on the Technology of Consciousness. We have included the thesis at the back of the book if you are interested.
We purposefully wanted the book to be lite, simple and easily practical…something you could understand in lets say, 2 hours and readily use in 10 minutes…at least thats the goal.
To accomplish this, we have developed a mechanized thought processing system that should be very easy to use…kinda built from stuff you already know.
Only a few new concepts are presented, so you won’t have to wade through a minefield of endless jargon and confusing concepts. The focus here, was to keep the information simple, simple, simple and the gains useful, useful, useful.
So hopefully, this is not just another self help type of book, but will actually give you the insight of how to change the way you process thoughts and do so with respect to your unique way of thinking.
Robert Wallace & Maria A. Jimendoza
August 2018
Front and Center: Questions and Answers
Will this system work?
Yes, if you are fairly sincere about understanding and applying it, the system should work effectively and easily.
Why will it work?
It’s based on very simple yet powerful ideas.
How long will it take me to try it out for myself?
The time may vary, but you should be able to understand and apply it in about 2 hours total.
Will I have to learn new information?
Not much. This was designed to be a simple process…most of the stuff you already know. We are just putting it together in a common sense way.
Will I have to read the entire book to get the ideas?
No. We are not trying to give you something stringent, rigid or complicated.
We will present the models in several ways throughout the book.
Should I consider this as a permanent change to my thinking patterns?
Not really. You will most likely adapt ideas to meet your individual needs. That’s the goal.
Is there any other information similar to this available?
We haven’t come across any yet that presents the ideas in such a basic fashion.
Can anybody utilize this process?
Most people can, with varying degrees of success based on their interest in the subject.
Will this solve my problems?
No, but it should help you recognize them as errors in thinking in a rapid and clear way. That will free up your thinking to gather options for yourself.
Will this help me cope with my emotions?
It probably will. When you understand how you are using emotion to process your perceptions, it will be easier to get a handle on them.
Will I have to change anything about myself?
Hopefully in understanding yourself better, you will think more clearly about the world around and inside of you. That should bring surprising change.
Will this be a long involved process?
That’s not what it was designed to be, but you could follow the methodology to much deeper insights.
The Pieces of This Puzzle
For most of us, we don’t easily understand WHY we think…we just do it, without a lot of difficulty, until…we run into problems. Most might believe that our emotions are actually the result of our thought patterns. But emotions are also great indicators and really tell us and signal us that something is being processed by our mind. So thinking, can actually be quite a bit more hidden from our awareness…unless we can understand the purpose and process for it. To do that we will have to reduce a very complex system down to its most basic parts.
Your thinking process is designed for one main purpose and that is…TO KEEP YOU SAFE.
The rest of the time it works on coming up with ways to get you what you want to keep you even safer. Thats it…in totality, the primary purpose. If you are not safe or cannot acquire further safety you will not thrive. You will not flourish in your marriage, your relationships, your career. your social interactions, your goals, what you own, what you possess your educational pursuits or even your family, if you cannot maintain your perception of being safe in these environments.
Sometimes you may even become self destructive and not even be safe to yourself and your thinking processes may turn in on themselves.
And so safety, or the belief that you are safe as a result of your decisions drives your wants and needs. Most everything we do are variations on this one theme. You think, because you have to maintain your safety and perhaps even the safety of others around you. The rest is joyful fluff, but first and always comes your safety.
So, to ensure that we can continue to remain safe in a world outside and inside of us we use a set of tools to assist our perceptions, memories and emotions to do the job quickly and effectively. Lets define those terms now. You are already familiar with most of them but probably have never
applied them to a thought processing mechanism. We have purposefully chosen these words to represent the complex and abstract processes that occur during thinking and memory recall. Our system of awareness to thoughts will revolve around these few definitions. If you take the time, you may be able to comprehend the system without much further explanation. The flowchart provided may also help you build a complete picture of processing. After an explanation of the terms, we will present an explanation of the flow chart. And finally, we will present an in depth overview of the mechanics of the system. This is where the application phase will best be described.
Safety…an individuals need and ability to maintain his perception, bias and continued interaction with both his internal and external environment to obtain and secure resources quickly and without harm to oneself.
Construct… A model of the story of events that contains pictures, memories, perceptions, emotions, decisions and conclusions. Not a physical part of memory, but the accumulated piecing of stored perceptions into a cohesive and fluid re-callable story. It is the cognitive structure built with layers of conclusions linked and deposited as narrative memories.
Permanent Construct.. a deep level memory structure that is mostly fixed in memory and serves the sole purpose of providing the evaluation of SAFETY for an individual. This is the warning system for any perceived threat to safety.
Temporary Construct…a flexible and pliable memory structure designed to locate, compare and determine options for obtaining those things that may provide safety for an individual. Basically assists in what an individual desires to have.
Processing…essentially awareness processing. This includes the ability to observe, self check and self correct HOW one thinks. Following the stream of thought and knowledge of WHERE one is in the system allows for many processing options and deters redundant, cyclical and bias reactions.
Narrative…The story we build and store in memory as a completion link to engage our interaction with the environment. Narration of an event allows us to see ourself in relation to desire and safety. This is how we position ourselves for future interactions. We can also alter the events, perceptions and even our place in an event through self narration. Most of our likes, dislikes, biases and deepest beliefs are held in place through the narrative stories we create and build.
Distributed narrative
This is term for the process that we store primary constructs to memory. When a narrative event is categorized as a safety issue it is deposited over many memories and distributed as a cohesive story.
Associated narrative
The term for the process that we use to build temporary constructs. When we are in a decision of something we want or need, we associate with past memories to build a temporary story. This gives us the best options for success.
A powerful emotion that is very individual and subjective. It is linked to our temporary constructs by association. This is how we gage our potential to get things that will increase safety. If we feel we are entitled to the outcome of an event, we will pursue it to obtain it OR we will begin the process of resenting what we believe we are entitled to for continued safe growth. Entitlement is a socially acceptable emotion.
** Please be advised that the use of this term is NOT regarding ANY individuals. It is used SOLELY as a term to indicate THE PERCEIVED LOSS OF SOMETHING YOU BELIEVE YOU WERE ENTITLED TO.
This powerful emotion is linked to our primary constructs by distribution. Resentment SIGNALS us that we are NOT SAFE…WE ARE ABOUT TO LOSE SOMETHING.
Something we have resented in the past is not safe for us now. It is the main emotion that ensures that our core beliefs are maintained. Resentment is a socially acceptable very personal emotion.
Trigger cycles
These are the highly emotional events that trigger entitlement and resentment into sort of a circular ping pong trap. The trap of being caught between these two emotions sends one into a redundant spiral of constant fear for a safe environment. This is where reaction emotions take control over options. These cycles become deeply embedded and increasingly sensitive forcing processing errors to become redundant and beyond awareness.
Thats it. Eleven terms that make up the mechanics of this thought processing system which we call the Technology of Consciousness. Now to the flowchart.
The Processing Flowchart

Using the prior definitions provided, you should be able to follow the processing stream from Engage and Event to Primary Construct. But here, we will give a brief overview of the diagram to facilitate better understanding. We are kind of reverse engineering this process from an event followed backwards to the storage in memory. This flow of thinking also happens to be the skill needed to stop the entire process mid stream to enable awareness to open up.
1. An individual engages the world, a person or relationship with the goal of obtaining something desired in a safe way.
2. He associates what is needed from the interaction with prior memories.
3. A Temporary Construct begins to build so that he can gage desire, availability and success by deciding options to attain it.
4. At this point if the desired item is obtained, it may be placed in a Temporary Construct to become a Permanent Construct later.
5. If the item is not obtained, then more options are tested on the basis of the emotion of Entitlement which has surfaced to assure the right and privilege to it. A PERCEIVED LOSS OF WHAT WE CONSIDER ENTITLED TO TRIGGERS RESENTMENT TO A POTENTIAL LOSS.
6. The narrative scene that is instantly being placed into memory carries with it the emotion of Entitlement.
7. A perspective of potential loss from Entitlement forces the emotion of Resentment to surface. Now the question of ones continued privilege becomes an issue of future safety. We become resentful of a perceived loss which threatens our safety.
8. The memory in the Primary Construct evaluates if the event is a possible threat to self or the individuals deeply held beliefs.
9. The presence of resentment in memory forces the narrative event to be distributed across a vast array of other memories for safety sake.
10. The individuals sense of safety stays intact…BUT BOTH the emotion of Entitlement and Resentment are now embedded deeply into memory as a trigger mechanism for future events.
This process works at the speed of thought, within seconds usually.
It is completely and ingeniously designed to prevent future unsafe events from occurring to the individual. Very effective.
The real difficulty with it, is that it is not specific to a time element. The narrative is distributed among other similar events and memories. This makes the process a potential set up for us to make decisions based on reactions and pattern cycles. Sort of a… THIS IS LIKE THAT AGAIN approach. Sound familiar?
And we find it difficult to break away from the process. Why? It provided our system of beliefs and memories entitlement to safety.
A quick word as to the reason for the drawbacks to these processing cycles and why they are so stealthy.
All of this explanation is to show you how your thought patterns process in a behind the scenes way and become embedded, instinctual and reactive. Two reasons are credited with keeping this mechanism of safety very hidden from your awareness.
1. The whole process is so quick that it is difficult to track in a real time fashion.
2. The emotions involved are very primal and protected and sometimes even welcomed at any level of interaction in a society. We are welcome to these emotions if they don’t get out of hand.
While this makes the processing of thought very practical for keeping all of us up and running no matter what environment we come in contact with which is an excellent line of inner preservation and defence…this mechanism still remains mostly hidden from our decision making awareness. This makes it very difficult to locate what we are storing in memory, let alone bring it to a halt to change it.
Next, we will present a simple example that may help you catch the flow of this process in a familiar way.
After the example, we’ll present possible avenues to halting and adapting the process.
Process Example
The simplest and possibly the most complete example would show itself best in an interpersonal conflict of some sort. So you will have to take the following with a bit of latitude. However, if you can walk yourself through the example using a personal experience from your own past, I think you will easily see how all this works. You can use anything for your conflict…a disagreement with your boss, a best friend, a spouse or child or even some kind of a public agency or business conflict. Take a few minutes to locate one in your memory that is particularly prominent or agitating. And if you are internally adventurous with yourself you might even want to try to locate a conflict within yourself…this will provide the quickest results and cement your findings for future thoughts. Got it now? Let’s proceed using our example as a guide to your conflict.
The scene is this:
Your conflict begins with a disagreement. You are trying to share an opinion you have about the best way to accomplish a task. The person you are talking with refuses to listen to your side of the argument and has decided to stand firm on their point of view and has indicated that their way is the correct way to solve the problem
You find yourself becoming agitated. Why? Is this person being rude, or aggressive. Probably not, but you are opposed to the dialogue because of how you are now feeling. Take a step back. For whatever reason this conflict started initially as a fairly neutral discussion.
But, in the process of it you have unknowingly done a couple of things. 1. You have started a narration or memory story of the interaction and are picking up sensory and perception cues and placing them in memory.
2. Where you are storing them is in a Temporary Construct holding and evaluation area in memory. The story is already being evaluated and stored within milliseconds, full on, and it’s not even finished yet.
You are associating or checking with other memories to align your previous experiences with outcomes you already know. Why? Because there is something you want from the interaction. If you pursue it, you might be able to obtain what you desire to build upon. That would bring you a sense of safeness. You may try to cajole, understand, or even manipulate the ensuing conversation to get what will line up with what you want. However…now…the emotion of entitlement presents itself to you AND the story you are actively writing into memory. As your need becomes less and less likely to be fulfilled with each passing word, you begin to move forward in your story with a sense of entitlement. For whatever reason you consider yourself entitled to a certain outcome…just what, you’re not sure, but you are entitled none the less and person on front of you can’ t see it. Because you have now associated what you wanted with what you believe you are secretly entitled to, the conflict escalates within you. No one is listening and even worse, no one understands what you are trying to get from all of this.. including yourself…entitlement has blocked your clarity of thought and triggered you into a reactive phase. Things will internally escalate grom here.
Let’ s say that by this time, the other person is experiencing a similar reaction and has decided that in order for him to get what he wants and to feel safe in his viewpoint, he digs in and has decided that to stay safe in his belief he needs to stand his ground. You sense and perceive this…both participants are entitled to what they are seeking from the discussion.
Now, at the speed of thought entitlement triggers an even deeper emotion from an even deeper place in memory storage. This is the Primary Construct, designed to evaluate, house, and store memories and beliefs that will keep you safe and have done so in the past…a personally reliable, tried and true way of staying safe in any environment including your present conflict.
So, you are not getting what you want and the emotion of entitlement has proven that to you…you are not safe.
You must retreat, push harder or conced from your position to get your need met. Now, the emotion of Resentment forces its way to the forefront of your processing. Resentment not in the form of a target or person, but resentment that you are losing what you sought.
We resent as a safety mechanism things we can’ t have or solve. We default to feeling safe
about our beliefs and choices…everyone does. That is how we have preserved our safety in the past.
So this story that we are writing, storing into our memories at light speed, now has to access a place for a safe passage. Resentment distributes the self narration across a vast and even unrelated block of memory…our so called safe area. Why? So we will be able to perceive the possible threats in the future that will compromise getting what we want. To do this, we need to store the current conflict as a potential safety issue. Resentment, because of its ability to access such a large amount of memories quickly and permanently does this for us.
Our conflict with the other person has now been distributed as a self narration along with all the perceptions into our Primary Construct memory as a conclusion of…this is not safe…remember this permanently.
How we react to our current conflict may be the result of past unsafe memories depending on the intensity of the triggering resentment pushed downward into deep layers of memories by our entitlements.
All this in milliseconds, with one grand design…to keep us safe like we were in the past and to give us what we think will keep us safe in our future.
2 More Simple and Quick Examples;
Here are two easy to follow examples if you still are a bit fuzzy about all this...they might help you visualize the process.
Example 1. Think of the process as a gazelle going to a watering hole on a preserve somewhere in the world. The animal needs water and resources from the environment to survive or it may die, so it takes a stroll down to a familiar spot to get a drink. As it approaches the edge of the water it is using sense and perception to alert it to possible threats to its safety, scanning the area for predators. But it is also using memory to assist it. It is associating from its memory the last few times it visited here to see if this time is as safe to approach as before. But in a previous close call to get a drink if something had frightened it, the gazelles temporary construct would search for options: such as approaching from another side or watching and waiting with caution. It might even choose the option of selecting an entirely different and safer watering the temporary construct provided options to a safe and entitled place at the waters edge. The permanent construct provided the need for safety in the first place. It was built from layers of the memories of trips to a watering hole all related to safe drinking. It may only take one bad and unsafe incident to a watering hole to distribute caution into ANY other event related or unrelated to getting a drink of water.
Perhaps with this example, you can better understand the need for safety, the perceived entitlement to it and the interaction between a temporary and primary construct in memory.
Example 2. The following example might prove a little more useful as its one all of us has had a first hand experience with...attending a business meeting or social event.
You arrive at the event where you are expected to participate within a group. Some of the people you know, some are new to you. Within milliseconds after arriving you have already scanned the room and have identified safe zones and possible safe people to interact with. To those you know or trust, your temporary construct will devise options and ways for you to meet your desired expectations of the meeting. To those who you don't know, you will be seeking your entitled place of comfort and feelings of conversational safety with them. Your primary constructs will be working overtime to locate any potential threats to what you want to get out of any interaction. If someone doesn't seem right or aligned with your temporary needs or beliefs, within seconds of meeting them, the resentments of a past encounter with a similar person may trigger you to evaluate any further safe contact with them. You have just missed a great opportunity to meet someone new because of a rush to judgement due to an unrelated person from your past...we all do this and we make these evaluations at lightning speed leaving little time to fairly assess the situation.
Maybe you begin to see how a past resentment or an unsafe encounter with a similar person from your past can bleed into or bias your present interactions. And the processing continues, below your awareness. Your entitlement to avoid a potentially questionable person limits your options and you will most likely consider the person in front of you not worth putting out any effort to meet with them again...AND another story or layer is deposited in your primary construct memory such as...can't trust people like that...right? But in reality, the event was an instantaneous reaction on your part motivated by a past memory to maintain your belief of what it is to feel safe.
Again these examples serve to show the PROCESS and not any intent. Hopefully, one of the above examples resonated with you. Let's continue.
Basically, that is the flow of our thought processing mechanisms…keep us safe…give us what we want…keep us safe again.
The real difficulty in this is not the mechanism itself OR even the accompanying emotions of entitlement and resentment, but in the narration of the internal response to the process. These permanent and temporary stories and self narrations we are writing into our memories, can be vast, non specific and globally bleed into other non event memory. That can be drastic. We can start to react to dissimilar events with the same bias of entitlement and resentment. In other words, we can easily LAYER our stories to include unrealated events because we become sensitive to triggered resentment. We can eventually associate and distribute memories with individuals so that we begin to resent the person themself. Who of us has not rushed to judgement about someone because we resent a feeling that they are like someone in our past. Resentment eventually becomes a face in our memories…a person that is not safe to us. Sad…sad that we can so easily and quickly resent a person or experience even when it really doesn’t threaten our safety, but only because it was triggered by a similar resentment from the past. Sometimes our own processing mechanism turns in on itself never allowing us to see things or perceive things clearly. This is the disadvantage to being unaware of WHAT and WHY our thoughts are being processed.
Now, let’s see if we can stop this thought processing cycle at will
…or at least slow it down enough to give us the time to make clearer and more objective decisions.
The simplest way to explain how to apply what you have just reviewed, is to STOP the processing cycles mid stream. No matter where you might be in the maze of memory and emotional narration…HALT the thinking. By doing this, basic action, you have ALREADY solved 75% of the problem. If you stop writing your story in the middle, you can begin to determine a different ending. Sound plausible? That’ s it…stop narrating the redundant cycle. By doing this, you are creating a new internal narration. A story that tells yourself that you CAN OBSERVE the process. Getting this yet? Control of self narration begins a new layer of narration. It does’ t solve the problem, but it DOES REWRITE the thought processing mechanism.
You will be giving yourself a new perspective from which to view the emotions and memories. That is gold.
So what’ s next? After you have decided to write a new narration to gain some internal control of perspective, you will need to proceed to EVALUATION.
Evaluation in this context does not mean evaluate your options, but rather, define WHERE you ARE in the process.
More than likely your options will increase as you free up the process of narration by locating WHERE YOUR THINKING IS in the cycle.
To do this, you will need to observe the two major emotions that are driving the entire process.
Work backwards from the permanent construct to the temporary.
1. Do I resent something about this event?
2. Is something I believe in feeling threatened?
3. Do I feel safe about the event?
If you are adventurous, you can start to ask the WHY of resentment OR
you can proceed to the next evaluation…which would be the emotion of entitlement.
1. What is it I wanted from this event that would have made me feel safe?
2. Do I feel entitled to it and why?
By questioning the validity of your resentment and entitlement, you can begin to CHOOSE if this is how you really want the story written in your memory.
Important Note
You really need to understand the severity of the cycles in the process. If you complete the narration cycle be aware that:
You WILL remember the event. You WILL store it in memory along with other non specific unsafe memories. You WILL feel your safety was compromised. You will be setting yourself up to be targeted when another triggering event happens. You WILL become more sensitive to your resentment feelings and increase your entitlement needs.
And you WILL become increasingly UNAWARE of WHY you are reacting to similar events. You WILL distribute more and more stories into the layers of permanent constructs making you less pliable and more firm in your feelings. You WILL choose less and less temporary options to solve the problem and react from permanently fixed safety construct reactions.
All this, that was supposed to keep you safe can become a mess of confusing memories and emotion leading to very bad decisions. And the stories NEVER stop unless you halt the process and evaluate what you are doing with the thoughts that were meant to insure your safety and deeply held feelings and beliefs.
Some Insight
The more you practice halting your thought processing the more successful narrations you will rewrite and the more access you will have to creative options to solving your problems. You might even develop or employ your own systems to place into your thoughts as a part of your permanent construct memory. This is another advantage of recognizing the mechanics of your processing. You should be able to redesign what will work for you once you have uncovered your resentments and entitlements. You could even begin to reevaluate if you are entitled at all to what you once thought you needed or if you should change your needs. Of course, another option is to disregard your resentments altogether in which case most things will move along as usual and very little may change at the deeper levels of thinking and you will maintain a status quo until the next trigger forces you to transition through a change.
Knowing WHAT and WHY you process in your thinking patterns through emotions can give you the ability to change how you view yourself, your relationships, your decisions and ultimately your life.
The Final Takeaway
At its core, this model and methodology to thought processing is ONLY a TOOL. It was not designed as a pathway to a higher consciousness. That is determined by individual preferences. But, like a hammer which is also a simple tool we can use or misuse it. You can use a hammer as a weapon to defend yourself or even as a self destructive implement. You can use it to build all sorts of temporary structures and dwellings or use it to build the home of your dreams. The choice is now yours as to what you will build…but you must first evaluate all the clutter of entitlement and then lay a firm foundation without the boulders of resentments lying underground. Figure out how to do this and you can build the greatest home for your thought life you could ever imagine.
This is obviously beautiful stuff…you have our best wishes…Robert and Maria.