Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
Inside out round an round, spin then twist tilt dip then make another round about,
Does this fucking ride ever come to a complete stop?
Strapped tight held by loose belts, only friend sitting beside you just happens to be the voice that puts you down and threatens to end you,
If the world only knew.
Unaware to wake right away instead you stir in a fuzzy haze blurry images just to remember you have nothing to do, you done asking to be a helping hand, cause you hate to hear nope, I can do it on my own.
I lay awake but asleep yet awake and influenced by a crystal stone no bigger then a 3 carat Diamond!
Start to feel helpless and unwanted close my eyes again,
Open them it's 6 hours later then just a moment ago when I rested them in a long blink.
I silently beg "please lord, help me be more then worthless vagina. "
Close eyes again this time fighting to remain there.
New morning has come. If God won't help me I will try, getting up and dressed questioned without answers that prove clear and true cause still unsure but got to do something before I bleed from self inflected rage.
Fight insure battles rage hate sent things took spoken felt names called boo hoo over it once taken whatever anger I felt goes to disappear but it takes 2.