Sky Read Count : 89

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I look up to the,

To see what thou holds.

The lives of many,

Pale diamonds and gold.

Then I ask thy a question,

Do I know all there is to know?

Does thy shine above us,

Even in Rain, Sleet, or Snow?

Or do you,

Wonderful blue sky,

Lose thy color,

When bad weather comes by.

In the daytime,

You give us the Sun.

To grow our crops,

And leave when she is done.

And during the night,

You give us Stars,

That we adore.

And a Moon with many scars.

So that is thy's reason,

To sing to you Sky.

Full of wonder and knowledge,

So pure your unable to lie.


  • Sep 05, 2018

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