Category : Articles
Sub Category : Motivation
I believe everyone has their own world I Know I do. My world revolves around sports.I have allot of devotion for the sport too wear I'll put my life on da line for it. I am beyond greatness. Don't always listen to other people the only thing that matters for whatever you want to do is your heart. Your will is greater than your skill allot of people will tell you that you suck , not worthy , or just not ready but the only thing that matters is how much heart you have. Put your heart mind in soul into everything even the smallest acts. A person with a big heart full of love and hard work is already the best before they start working. It depends on how far you are willing too go on where you wanna be if you are gonna make it. Every battle is won before it starts how far are you gonna go. A dream doesn't become reality through magic it takes sweat, determination and hard work. Greatness is a dreamer who never stops dreaming too get there. That's where I wanna be in the future and I wanna wow!! Everyone who watches me. A stone only trembles if something big hits it and if the stone falls then what hit it was a success that's what I'm gonna do hit everyone who don't think I can make them fall. No matter what anyone goes through you always have a way out or a way too start something new. No matter how much pain you go through but hard work involves pain and also getting where you wanna be in life takes pain and sacrifice. No matter what you go thru all you have to do is put a big amount of hard work in it and you will be successful. It takes time to be greatness. Everyone is smart but in different ways weather if it's sports, academics or any other kind. I have allot of ways to be successful but if I'm gonna push myself to get there is the question. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. And a man who stands alone without no help and keeps a smile on his face is a man who already achieved something good in life. But don't always be a fool for others a dummy only looks smart and cool if another dummy is dummer than him. Fallo your own path and have your own desire in order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure the most basic human desire is to feel like you belong. Human behavior flows from three main sources:desire, emotion, and knowledge. You always have to have knowledge, and smarts. You will never be greater than greatness without smarts but there's different ways you are smart it doesn't always have to be academics. The greatness you produce is the bar you set for others. Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. Love is an important part of your journey also love is a story that never ends.