Nana Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror

We moved into this beautiful little trailer in the mountains. It was me, my husband, our 3 year old son and our 7 year old daughter. Just a happy family until Nana came to visit. I worked at a daycare at the time and my husband stayed home with the children. Our son loved to play outside riding bikes and would sit and play for hours with toys in the living room and bedroom floor. I was cleaning house one day and he was in my bedroom talking to someone. I walked in and there was no one there. I automatically assumed he was playing and it was an imaginary friend. A week goes by and he is constantly to someone in my room and he keeps referring to her as Nana. Me personally I do not fear the unknown because I have experienced the paranormal all my life and believe my son has just taken that after me. My husband on the other hand starts freaking out because he is extremely terefied of anything unknown and of course when a 3 year old finds this out they are going to use it. I asked my son to decibels Nana to me. He said she had red hair,an old dress and she was shot in the head. I was stunned. He would always seem so calm around her. I never imagined he would tell me something like that. Days and weeks went by and he would see Nana on a daily basis. It was always in my bedroom though until one day I was at work and I received a phone call. My husband called and said you need to come home. I got home as fast as I could. My husband and son met me outside. My husband began telling me the story. My son was setting on the front porch playing with his toys and my husband walked out there and asked him if he wanted to walk to the neighbors with him. My son said no he wanted to stay there and play on the porch. My husband walked to the neighbors and him and the neighbor was standing on the from porch when they heard my son screaming at the top of his lungs. He said my son was running so fast towards them it was like his feet was not even touching the ground. My son was crying so hard they could barely understand what he was saying. Nana was trying to kill him! I was one furious mother. You could see flames in my eyes when they said Nana was trying to kill my son. I went through through the house and I demanded Nana to leave my home she was not aloud to be around my son anymore. I had more strength than ten entity's that day. To this day my son has never mentioned Nana again. 


  • Sep 03, 2018

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    Sep 03, 2018

  • legrsuxstzpowdzqasUata

    Sep 03, 2018

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