Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Voices they echo and echo grow and fade, but all I want is for them to stop.
Fading voices followed by a beep.
Beep, beep, beep, it goes on and on, beep, beep, why is this happening to me, beep, beeeeeep, it stops and the voices come back loud demanding attention.
A black darker then before
Falling upwards
Sinking deeper at the same time
Light that is dark
A nothing that is something
Seeing for the first time or the second
One of light and gold, one of flame and fire
"Choose" a voice that is there and not
a pushy one too
Light and gold looks better
Pain and laughter
"You are mine now
Don't you know looks can be deceiving
After all that's what killed you."
Pain and laughter and cold
Is this hell?
Is hell not fire, brimstone, and demons?
Burning cold
"Or maybe it so cold it burns
You are going to be so much fun!"
Pain and more pain
Then the pain comes back it is like waves it the sea
A silken voice, is it the same one as before?
"I can make it stop
All you have to do is one thing"
"You must give me not your soul, for I already have that
You must give me your loyalty
Your love
Your mind
Your entire being"
Then a strange feeling...