Prologue -- In The Darkest Night Is The Brightest Light Read Count : 112

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

Once there was two nations... 

But they were fated to destroy each other. 

"One shall rise, The other will fall, In the Darkest night is the Brightest light..."                                 - The Unknown Prophet 

This story has a sad beginning and no one knows how it will end. There is only one thing I know, blood will fall. 

Let us start at what could be considered a beginning or the end.

Extract of a letter sent to lady FellsRook

Love I am coming home too you at last. My joy at being able to return to you is tempered with a dark secret. One which I dare not put down with this pen. Be ready to flee for the storm, I have told you about is brewing.      

                Your to command,                                                    William Fellsrook 


  • Sep 01, 2018

  • sounds interesting enough.

    Sep 01, 2018

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