Category : Lists
Sub Category : N/A
1. Jail of Death, Crocausaurus
I guess you guessed what it's about after the name. This freaky ride is located in Crocausaurus. Basically, imagine swimming in a pool with a dic foot long croc nearby. Crazy, right? That is exactly what it is. You get into crystal cage with bars on the top, not on the bottom, on the top, which lets water in. A six foot croc about a foot close, since the cage is crystal, so you get ti see it. You would probably pee your pants.
2. Insanity: The Ride, Las Vegas
Like its name, this ride is insane. It's on top of a really tall building in Las Vegas. You get in a seat and they hang you over the side, facing DOWN. Freaky, cause the building is really, really high. If you are as brave as you think, you will probably enjoy looking st the city with barely any protection while peeing your shorts, if not, you won't enjoy the rest of your life...your ride, I mean. But, your heart would PROBABLY stop.
3. X-Scream, Las Vegas
On top of the same building, X-Scream freaks you out. It is not cool, at all. You at top speed downwards, so It feels like you're gonna fly, then backwards, same. There is space for 8 people there. 8 crazy people.
If you like this top 3, I will make a Part 2, also give me ideas for more tops un the comments. Follow me here and I give credits to @CuriosoBen, which made the top first. I just translated here at WO. Alex, out. Bye-bye.