Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
Corrupt Fake President announced today he plans to cancel the scheduled 2.1% cost of living adjustment for federal employees. And he wants to end the practice of wage adjustments for higher cost of living areas of the country. You know, it costs more to live in San Francisco than Cleveland, so comparable positions pay more for the person on the West Coast. Out of nowhere, Corrupt Lying Fake President suddenly has a keen interest in balancing the nation's budget. He had no concern for a balanced budget when he cut taxes by $1.5 Trillion with 83% OF TAX CUTS GOING TO THE TOP 1%. So he now wants to recap some of the "give away " on the backs of middle class workers. No worries, off in the distance we can see the formation of a huge blue wave that is timed to hit America on November 6 that will set things back to normal come January 2019.
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