Shall We...? Read Count : 116

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Motivation

Anyone can write; just pick up a pen, relax, and let your imagination run wild. We all have a story to tell; one that only we can. It is not enough to merely bleed the ink, you must offer a piece of your soul as well. 

I know we sometimes fear sharing ourselves, baring our souls openly. The thought of being scrutinized by others is intimidating at best. 

But think about this: everything we experience is a unique perception only we see. There is so much to learn when we dare to expose ourselves. And if we all bring our guard down, there is a lot that we could learn from others too. 

A life lived vicariously lives thousands of lives. Listen to the stories told, songs sung in verses. Let words take you where you have not ventured and let your words lead others to dream different thoughts. At the end of the day, no one else sees the world the way you do. Think about that. 

Let's explore and be adventurous together.


  • Aug 29, 2018

  • Aug 29, 2018

  • Aug 29, 2018

  • Well said.

    Aug 30, 2018

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