Five Nights At Freddys : The New One Read Count : 220

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror

Freddy Fazbears Pizza 


12 AM 

It was raining outside. The lightning struck down and the thunder made a really loud noise. All the animatronics were sleeping in the building. I sleep on the ground and next to me was Freddy Fazbear. All the girls sleeped in one group and Golden Freddy sleeped on the seeling. Suddenly someone nocked on the door at the main entrence. I woke up and I was going to the door and open it. As sleepy as I was i opened the door. At the door was a Blue girl. She almost saw like Toy Chica, But in Blue and she had a black bowtie. She was freezing and also She was Wet and needed help. As kind as I was i let her in. Later I woke the guys up. I intrudused her to the others. Her name was "Lucy." She sad. "Nice to meet you all and i'm happy to be here." 

3 Days later........

Lucy was stalking the other girls for no reason. Or maybe i'm so blind that I don't know whats happening. Mangle begann to speak about Lucy with the other girls. But Lucy was also spying on them. 

Mangle: I have a bad feeling about her. Chica: Same here. But She hasn't done anything wrong has She?

Mangle:of course not, But I have a feeling I can't trust her.

Toy Chica: Yeah, But isn't that kinda bad that She is gonna steel our boyfriend's and destroy our lives.

Lucy (in the corner):  We Will see about that. Thanks for your advice Toy Chica. 

With Bonnie and me........

me: and this is the story how I won an insane Rap battle. 

Bonnie: Cool. 

Then Foxy calls me leaving Bonnie alone. Then Lucy goes to Bonnie.

Lucy: Hi Bonnie.                                    Bonnie: Hi Lucy. 

Suddenly the 6 AM Bell rang.

Bonnie: I must go back to the Stage people Will come in soon. 

Lucy grabs Bonnie by the arm. 

Lucy: Can't you stay here for a momment with me?                            Bonnie: No I have to go to the Stage. 

Then Lucy goes for a Kiss and hypnotisas Bonnie. (So thats her secret. Hypnotisas everyone by a Kiss)

Lucy: Now you can go back to the Stage.                                                      Bonnie: Yes mi lady.

With Foxy and Me..........

We were having a talk and suddenly Foxy looks over  me and sad. 

Foxy: Look ye there. There ye see What ay mean. 

I looks over and there was Bonnie flirting with Lucy. I sad. 

Me: Well looks like Bonnie found a Girlfriend.                                              Foxy: Ay mate. 

Suddenly I remembered. 

Me: Wait, isn't Toy Chica her Girlfriend??      

Foxy sad to me shocked. 

Foxy: Ay your right. She is. 

Then Toy Chica looks over to Bonnie and Lucy. Her heart was crushed. She was going away Crying. I wanted to do something against this, But Foxy grabbed me by the arm and sad. 

Foxy: Look. Bonnie did this maybe for a reason. It was his decition. You can't change it.                                               Me: Your right Foxy. I'll better go back to my little stage. 

Next Night............

I'm gonna spy on Lucy. Something is off with her. I need to find out What is wrong with her. I looked at the corner and I saw TOY CHICA dismantled. I ran up to her. I bagged for God that She shall be alive. And She was. I was letting out a long sigh. There was a little pulse so I picked her up and I was bringing her to Puppet and Golden Freddy to repair her. Toy Chica so heavy. Suddenly Lucy appears out of no were and sad to me. 

Lucy: Do you need a hand?                  Me: No.   Sad I angry to her.                Me: I don't need your help Lucy.   

She then put her on my sholder, then pushed to the wall. I droped Toy Chica. Lucy sad. 

Lucy: You know. It been only like 1 Day but I must say I Love you.   I was blushing, But I knew that this was one of Lucy's tricks. I sad. 

Me: Thx Lucy, But i'm not into you. Now exuse me But I need to bring Toy Chica to the Backstage. 

As chill As I was I picked up Toy Chica and I was bringing her to the Backstage. Lucy was angry. 

Lucy (in her mind): Gosh dang it. I almost had him. Maybe next Time.

At Backstage...........

I put Toy Chica on the Table and yell'd. 


Golden Freddy teleported on the Room. And Puppet came from the door.i sad. 

Me: Toy Chica is dismantled. Maybe you can fix her. ?                             Golden Freddy: Where did you find her like that?                                                Me: I found her like that while spying on Lucy.                                                    Puppet: Why did you spy on Lucy?           Me: Because I think She dismantled Toy Chica. 

Puppet and Golden Freddy were looking at ech other then they sad thair answer to me. 

Puppet and Golden Freddy: Ok we see What we can do. 

I was so happy.  After a thew minutes Mangle came in the room. She was shocked. She asked me.

Mangle: How did this happen???        Me: I think Lucy dismantled her.          Mangle: Now i'm more scared about her. 

I gave Mangle a hug and sad to her.                                                                          Me: Don't worry Mangle. I'll protect you.  

After that hug and spech I made Mangle feelt safer.  

Next Day...........

I fought I write a journal  for what is happening. All it is in the journal so far.

"Its been a thew days seens I let Lucy in the pizzeria and so far Bonnie and Freddy fell in love with her. Chica and Toy Chica are Crying Because their partner broke up with them. I'm not sure whats going on But there is one thing I know. DON'T TRUST LUCY!!! I have a feeling that She is behind everything thats going on." 

1 hour later..........

I was looking for my guitar and my mic. I found them in the Closet, But thats not the Only thing I found. I was shocked when I saw it. MANGLE WAS DISMANTLED!!!!! I coudn't believe what my eyes are showing me. I picked up Mangle and I rushed to Goldy and Puppet again. And again Lucy was standing in my way. Now I didn't want to talk to her. Lucy litterly blocked the way, She put both hands on the side. I pushed her out of the way. She fell on the ground. I walked by like I didn't care about What happend. Then out of no were something attacked me. I droped Mangle to the ground. I didn't knew who ír was But then I saw who  accually attacked me. 


It wasn't the Bonnie who I knew. He was looking like the Nightmare version of Bonnie. He sad in a werry deep voice.


I was scared then someone else came here. 

Me: FREDDY !!??!!                                Nightmare Freddy: YOU WON'T ESCAPE. YOU WILL SOON LOOK LIKE JUST LIKE US. 

They Hold me down to the ground. And suddenly Lucy stands infront of me and sad.

Lucy: Now let me give you a Kiss.

Lucy was litterly trying to Kiss me But then something hit Lucy. I was looking on the side and saw Golden Freddy and The Puppet helping me. They were throwing Bonnie and Freddy away from me and I was free. I picked up Mangle and She was slowly awaking from her coma. Then Golden Freddy teleported us away from here. Lucy was more angryer then she was before. 


We teleported to the Backstage. I sad. 

Me: Ok. I had enough of this. Now its my turn to get everything back in order. Golden Freddy: No don't let your anger take over U.                                           Me: But then how are we suppose to stop her. She is fricking driving me crazy.                                               Puppet: Maybe defending our selfs from her.                                                Me: Screw you guys i'm going to my Stage and try to fix if you can. 

As angry as I was I knew I need to calm down. Maybe writing in my journal will calm me down. 

Journal: " its been litterly one Day and Lucy is getting stronger and makes me angryer. NO! I won't let this happen to me again. Puppet and Golden Freddy are litterly the Only ones on our side that have supernatural powers. Freddy beeing the leeder from us and i'm almost just like the others. Nothing. I'm there just as a support. I Hate It. *Sigh* now I feel better. Ok Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie fell in love with her. If this is going then we need to go to plan C. And I don't want to mension plan D." 

Next Day............. 

Were losing a lot of people. Now Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy, Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie are in love in Lucy and are now her slaves. If there is a Way to break the curse. Its Time that I meet up with "HIM". 

At Circus Baby's Pizza world.......

I haven't visit them on a while now. Place brocken as always. But atleast the elevator works. 

Handunit: "Hello and welcome to your first Night of your corrie.......oh its been a while hasn't it Haakon.                     Me:  yeah it has been Handunit.               Handunit: anyway welcome. Hope you have a good Time here.

The elevator reaced the floor I was going. I crawled there the vent and i got to the primary control module. There I meet Ballora and Funtime Foxy. Suddenly Funtime Foxy jumps and húga me werry tightly. She sad.

Funtime Foxy: I missed you so much.    Me: I missed you too Funtime Foxy.  Ballora: Why are you here old friend.  Me: I want to talk to Ennard. We have a problem in our Pizzeria and I need his help. 

They looked shocked about this News and they leed me to Ennard. Ennard didn't change a thing. He sad. 

Ennard: Ballora, Funtime Foxy can u you leave is. 

They left. Then Ennard turned to me and sad.

Ennard: its werry good to see you again. Its been a long Time.               Me: yeah it has. We have a problem in our Pizzeria. And I thought maybe you chould help.                                     Ennard: and What is the problem?    Me: we have a girl named "Lucy" in our Pizzeria and She is making chaos there. She somekind of supernatural power that when She kisses someone they fell in love with her and be her slaves.                                             Ennard: WAIT did you say "Lucy????"   Me: Yeah Lucy.                                Ennard: Follow me. 

I didn't know What Ennard wanted to show me But I followed him. We ended up in an abondend Closet with some old plans and books. Ennard stood up on a chair and started to find something. 

1 minute later.............

Ennard: I found it.                                 Me: What did you found Ennard?    Ennard:  I found the blueprints from Lucy. They were here Years ago and they they were locked up here. Because before us there was this place call'd "Lucy's Magic world of pizza". The main 3 animatronics were an Orange bear named "Orville the Orange bear", a Blue Rabbit named "Bonzi the Blue bunny"  and the Star attraction "Lucy the Chicken". After an incident in 1975 then this place was shut down. And Orville and Bonzi were scraped Because of marketing reasons. And their blueprints are here  too. They wanted to expande their Pizzeria But they coudn't Because of tax fraud. So they had to close down. And Afton built an underground fasility and above he built "Circus Baby's Pizza world."                             Me: Ok so I see has a weak point and thats ON THE LIPS!!!??!!               Ennard: yeah you have a serum thats against the hypnotation. And if you Kiss her then the hypnotation won't work anymore.  

Suddenly Golden Freddy calls me 

Golden Freddy: WhErE ThE HeCk ArE YoU ???? LuCy Is FiGhTiNg Is RiGhT NoW AnD We CaN't DefEnD Is AgAiNsT HeR. *Static* *Golden Freddy Jumpscare*.                                       Lucy: Get back here Haakon and i'll Spare them all. 

*Call ended* 

Me: Oh F#ck no. This can't be happening.        

Ennard asked.                                  Ennard: Who was that? Is there a problem?                                                Me: Lucy got Golden Freddy.        Ennard: then we haven't much Time. I'll come with you. And the others Will come As well.                                        Me: Thanks Ennard.

At Freddy Fazbears Pizza..........

As we entered the building it was dead quiet. I put on the entidote on my lips and I was ready. Behind me standard Ennard, Baby, Ballora, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Lolbit, Yendo, BonBon and Bonnet. Suddenly the lights went out just for a thew second, But then there was Lucy with all of my friends in a Nightmare version. She sad.        

Lucy: You Finally came. And I see you Brought friends with you. Then I think everything is set. Then i saw Orville's and Bonzi's suit. I asked her. 

Me: Is this What you wanted to do all along. Awake your friends from the dead !!??!!                                            Lucy: Your not as dumb as I thought. *Evil laughing*                                     Now come here and give me a huge Kiss.                                                 Ennard: you won't get a Kiss from him. Funtime Foxy: We will protect him.   Funtime Freddy: No matter what.   Ballora: We Will allways be for him. Baby: you are going down Lucy.  

Nightmare Golden Freddy: YOU WON'T TOUCH A HAIR OF HER.                 Nightmare Foxy: YOUR DEAD.  

Lucy and Me:. ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*intence battle music* 

Me and Lucy fighted for our deaf. She hit me hard to the ground. 

Me: Heh. good punch.                       Lucy: I have been well trained. 

I punched Lucy As hard as I could. But almost every punched or. kick her But She got no damage. She punched me to the ground again But She hold me down and She. 

Lucy: its Time for a good Night Kiss.  Me: Go for it. Or. You are a "CHICKEN" to do that.   Lucy gave me a huge Kiss. But no effect. The entidote worked. Lucy try'd it twice But no effect. She fellt weaker. I woke up from the ground. Lucy coudn't believe that just happend. And with that note I freed everyone from their curse. But I fellt wierd. Suddenly my head started to hurt. I screamed for help. And a big explosion happend. After a thew minutes I saw What happend and I never imagined this whould happen. The Dark form of Me was freed from my head and sad. 

Dark Haakon: Hello its been a while seens we seen ech other. 10 years really slipped away. Now that i'm free i'll curse the whole World. 

*He teleported away.*

I was shocked But I knew I defeted Lucy. We put Lucy in a cage that She can't escape. I Thanks Ennard and the others for their help. 

Ennard: No problem, anytime my friend.   

 As usual Funtime Foxy gave me a big hug and sad.          

Funtime Foxy: I'm gonna Miss you again. If you can visit is every Time you can.  

I keep that as a promise But now i'm gonna go back to my Stage Because its almost 6 AM. But I can't get one thing out of my head.How did the Dark version of me get out of my head? But I know one thing for sure. That he will come back and maybe more powerfull then ever. And i'll my Best to keep my friends safe from him.

The End


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