Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
"For You Distances Isn't An Option"
For You Distances Isn't An Option no matter how far away you are from me ill go that distances even if it takes me a lifetime for you distances isn't an option.
For You Distances Isn't An Option things may try to get in the way of trying to stop me but all they are to me is hurdles they're made to be jump over for you distances isn't an option.
For You Distances Isn't An Option even to put my life on the line to make sure your taken care of ill do it to the end for your distances isn't an option.
For You Distances Isn't An Option they say if you love someone and there five hours away take that trip but for you distances isn't an option.
For You Distances Isn't An Option there is no limit for you distances isn't an option.
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