Category : Stories
Sub Category : Historical Fiction
He was 18 years old, joined the SS to make his father proud. Didn't agree with the ideology. Here he was, watching the beautiful autumn sunset in some place he barely could pronounce.
"Mama, I'm fed well. I need to let my pants out a few more centimeters. Papa, I hope I made you and the Fuehrer proud with every bullet fired straight. Please tell my sisters that I love them. For my brothers, make is proud in the HJ. Mama wrote Gunther is going soon. I love you all, my dear family." He knew the lies would make them all feel better.
"Hey little wolf. You done with the letter? We need to dispatch them."
He absolutely hated being called 'Little wolf.' Yes, his name was Adolf, wolf, and his family name was Soldathund, soldier dog. He hated being raised to be a great soldier. His father always yelled and hit him for being unsoldier like..
The sunset was beautiful today. The color made his eyes burn with tears. "Such a sight comes once a lifetime, gentlemen. Savor it. Just like your wives!" He rolled his eyes whenever the asshole decided to 'bless' them with his company. He hated the commander. He was useless.
Looking at the stars, a light caught his eye. He saw her before, a farm girl bringing food outside. He always watched her during the night watches. He watched as she slowly moved with each careful step. She would whistle and the feral dogs came. She would try to stop them from making any noise but it was useless. The dogs loved her, not just because she brought food. Wolf loved her as well. The gentleness she showed these forgotten animals was so rare these days.
"The Fuehrer would like her... Well... Probably not like. Approve of her. That is more like it.."
Her dancing started and her voice carried up the valley like some angelic hymnal for peace on the godless battlefield. She jumped with the dogs and forgot about how everyone she knew was probably dead, like the dogs' masters. The way her body swayed with the wind and dogs celebrating one more night of life and food was magical to him. His heart ached when she stopped her dance. Each dog got a hug and love before she turned to go back to her little shack.
"She's a witch. The farmer that have us potatoes told me. She lives alone except for the animals that she saves. She saved a cow once! Go ask the farmer's wife. That old woman will tell you stories about that girl. Anyway, she'll be dead soon. Roma. Dirty gypsy pig." The stout Fritz is always saying "gypsy pig" about everyone. And stealing food from farmers.
"I think the Fuehrer would like her. She embodies kindness to dogs. She tames wild ones. She patches their wounds. Feeds them. Makes them feel loved." Wolf notices Fritz isn't paying attention. He shakes his head and watches the shadow in the shack, wondering her name and more.
He also knows he will not sleep tomorrow. Max will make a big deal about scouting for another spot for a bunker. Wolf hates how he just feels if the spot is good or not. The useless commander picked a spot and Wolf "smelled" trouble. He shouted, cursed, and refused to dig. After an hour the ground caved in.
"Are you pleased, Sir?" Wolf barked while pulling his dead friends out of the hole.
"No. You need to use that wolf nose more." The commander walked away alone.
Wolf shook his head getting memories of dead boys out of his mind. Only she can invade his thoughts right now.
He sighed deeply and whispered in his heart 'goodnight my angel.' He turned back to keeping watch.
He watched the sunrise in spectacular glorious colors that made his heart weep he couldn't share this moment with her.
She walked out of her shack and got water from the little hand pump. He watched her walk back in and was amazed she had blonde hair.
"Shame she's a witch. I bet she's amazing... If you get what I mean, Wolf." Fritz is winking and wringing his hands like one of the stupid propaganda posters all over his home town.
"I smell how horrible you are." Wolf growled wanting some tankers chocolate and coffee.
After his nap, Wolf was back watching his angel dance her nightly dance.
"Go to her, Wolf. Go. Give the dogs my bread. Hurts my teeth" shy young Oliver muttered.
Oliver was fresh with the unit, unlike Wolf. Oliver reminded him of Cupid. So pure, innocent, young. All Oliver needed was a diaper and you'd think he was only a baby.
Wolf decides it would be OK.. To feed to the dogs, of course. Everyone knew how the Fuehrer loved dogs. Wolf starts slowly walking towards his angel as she is in her trance with the dogs.
"Hello.. Nice dogs... Bread?" Wolf chokes on his words and his voice gives his nervousness away.
"No thank you, German. We do fine on our own." His angel spoke prefect German. His heart melts.
"You are German, no? Where in the Fatherland are you from? I'm from Augsburg." He senses his yammering on but doesn't want her to stop dancing.
"I'm not German. I'm from here. So. What do you smell on me, Wolf? Sense my magic? Smell fear?" She turns with the dogs behind her.
"I smell love. You love all things. I can smell this." He feels his palms get sweaty.
"I love innocence. You.. You are evil. You wear an evil sign given by an evil man. Dogs? They're innocent. Animals? Innocent. Oliver up there, innocent but not for long.. The bloodlust will change his eyes. Poor boy. You? I hate. You stand with evil belief systems." She starts to shake with rage.
"Wait. I do not. I want to make my father proud. He can't fight this war.. My brothers are all used to give him honor.. I do not like killing. I am a soldier." Wolf feels the tension coming from the dogs, waiting for their Mistress to give them the sign to attack.
"Give them the bread" she points to a couple of pregnant dogs "they need more. Soon we will be celebrating the birth of the new ones. Won't we, Bear?" She rubs on the biggest, mangiest looking dog.
"Congratulations, Bear. You'll make a fine father." Wolf tosses pieces of the bread to the pregnant dogs.
"You'll never win them over. You'll never win me over. You will die here." She waves her hand in the air and the dogs part, without even a pat on the head. "You ruined our celebration of life with the stench of the dead on you." She starts dancing back to her shack while the dogs dance back to the woods.
Wolf walks back defeat. Praying he just caught her at a bad time.
Nights pass and he watches her celebrate with her dogs. She holds up puppies and hugs each one. From the hill it looks like an ancient ceremony from when time began. Wolf feels uneasy, can't put the feeling out of his mind.
Wolf wakes with a jolt. He runs out of the bunker screaming "They're coming!" Russian tanks come barreling through the woods, dogs running toward the shack.
Wolf runs to his love, runs towards the dogs, but he's hit.. He can't feel his legs. He can't move his body.
"Told you to never come back. Landmines.." She wipes his face with her dress "You are innocent, Wolf. You will run free for now. The others will teach you."
All of a sudden Wolf starts screaming but it turns into a howl. Wolf is no longer a man but a wolf.
She smiles at Wolf "You are my Wolf, now. You are safe."
Wolf howls and watches his unit mates fight, run, die, surrender, and cry. He feels blessed his angel rescued him.