Procrastinator Read Count : 103

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle

Procrastinator- a person that avoides doing a task that needs to be accomplished. Sometimes, procrastination takes place until the "last minute" before a deadline.

And let me tell you that is the definition of my life. I am a major procrastinator and it cause so many sleepless nights doing a last minute ditch effort. It's not like I can just stop (well I probably could) but its just so hard. I mean would you rather watch t.v. or do homework. Would you rather go out with friends or finish that deadline for a presentation. Just putting things of and doing it later makes sense in my mind. It often comes back to haunt me but I still get to do awesome and fun stuff instead of doing stuff that is just so BORING. Probably not healthy but hey I say its worth it...


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