The Story That Hides Behind The Eyes Of An Unknown Man Read Count : 138

Category : Diary/Journal

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The almost gold colored flakes hid beneath the oceanic pale blue in the dark, here is where shadows hid their beauty but when sun appeared over the coast, they emerged from their caves and delivered a color only similair to that found in the most remote locations in nature, so pure, yet so commonly mistaken for simple flecks of brown. Nobody realizing how they resembled the Amber we find in the wild that hides treasures inside of it, just as the specks of Amber in his eyes fought to hide the secrets few knew existed. Few could decipher the hidden depths beyond the sea colored blue in which a million thoughts hid like schools of fish in a deep channel. These are the eyes of the man I have so commonly become familiar with. These are the colors of the eyes of the man I so easily take for granted when the day gets long and the seas are rough. Yet, these are the eyes in which I look into every day seeking comfort. I have looked so lovingly, so long at this human being that his features are an image so clearly broadcasted on my brain it's as if I'm looking at him directly in that moment. I can tell you exactly how his nose appears slightly too big for his face but only because of the angle at which is healed after being broken as a child. I can tell you how his eyebrows have a beautiful shape but that his hairs grow wild so you would never be able to tell. How he's one of the few i know that has a genuine eye to eye smile every single day. How his face wrinkles in a million different ways with every smile he forms. He has three distinct deep ones that mold into his face at the top of his cheek bones and his eyes squint so much it's a wonder he can see. His teeth aren't perfect but they seem to suit him. His smile is one that caught my eye from the beginning, so full of life and happiness. So inviting. His lips so slightly thin, the faintest hue of pink you could ever imagine. His forehead widens just a tad towards the too amd his hair line is virtually a straight line. his hair a beautiful pine Brown, just light enough to remind you of the forest during spring. Yet so short, you can barely run your fingers through it. He smells of nature and a hint of dryer sheets, the kind meant to remind you of home. The kind of smell that you snuggle your nose into trying to remember what it's like to have a family to come home to every day. He reminds you of all the things you never realized you wanted. This man who never lets life tell him how to live, forever making the most out of every moment. It's astonishing to say the least. He has definitely inspired me in many aspects of my life. I so quickly fell in love with his determination and spirit. his drive and self discipline. he had flaws, some I probably have yet to discover, nothing was perfect after all but we made it work. Months and years fly by, but the love it still seems so fresh.


  • Aug 05, 2018

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