Infinity Read Count : 145

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The Infinity Symbol Today

In addition to its use in mathematics, the infinity symbol is used to represent several abstract concepts. The symbol is commonly used as an expression of endless love or hope. 

As exciting as math is, the more heartwarming interpretations are responsible for the popularization of the symbol. It can also represent limitless opportunity, and to many it is synonymous with loyalty. 

An infinity symbol implies that something will last forever, whatever it may be. Many people put infinity symbols on their wedding bands to signify their love will never end. 

Others use it to represent the faith they have in God, as the symbol is not specific to one religion. If you bought an infinity necklace for a friend, it could indicate that your friendship will never end. 

Some say the infinity symbol is divided into two sections to represent two individuals, elements, or aspects of an individual. This makes it a great gift for couples, or people going through a time of introspection. 

The shape has no beginning or end, and could be imagined as either a bent circle or two separate but connected teardrop shapes.


  • Aug 02, 2018

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