Bob And Weave Read Count : 124

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics

It is interesting to watch the White House strategy roll out in how they are reacting to the information as it comes out from Manafort's trial discovery process and testimony.

Now, the rabid rat that goes by the handle Rudy Guiliani is on the Fox News Clown Network to casually and matter of factly lay out the information that there was a pre-meeting between Don Trump, Jr, Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and Rick Gates two days before their Russian spy meeting to discuss that scheduled meeting. Like it was their story all along. It's easy to see his strategy. Deny, admit nothing until news breaks, then pretend it was part of your narrative all along to minimize the impact. Classic counter punching via boxing's bob and weave technique. This might work in boxing but it will not work to deflect from the Republican's various conspiracies. Sorry Rat Boy, you're treasonous pack is going down!


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