Until Then Read Count : 53

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
He said to be strong, keep the faith in our love for the difficult times arrives. Definitely lonely, sad almost but I know he expects me to be his rock. 
The only thing keeping my faith is what I feel which is what he feels. I don't mind looking back but you need to move forward, to the love you have if that's what you want to. 
My heart is heavy sometimes, but remembering his laughter, hearing his kisses saying I love you babe, that's what keeps me going. 
I pray for him his troubles his happiness. For wisdom to choose the correct thing for his people, that he don't doubt his choice, he's more capable and wiser than most people will think.
So I just let go until we can meet.


  • Aug 01, 2018

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