Mothra: Goddess Of Earth Read Count : 84

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction

When the universe was formed an egg sat there in the emptiness of space. Millions of years past and it hatched into a monster, he was named...... Ghidorah. He arrived in Earth with one mission, destroy and conquer. As Ghidorah destroyed Earth's dinosaurs Battra swooped in and tried to stop Ghidorah. Ghidorah quickly beat him and offered him a deal. "BATTRA, WORK FOR US AND YOU LIVE, AGAINST ME YOU WILL DIE.", Ghidorah said telepathically. Battra accepted and joined Ghidorah's side. They were unstoppable, or so it seemed. An egg started to hatch and a larva came out of it. "Mothra!", said the fairies. Ghidorah was killing some T-Rexes, showing who was king. Mothra quickly swam away from Birth Island and confronted Ghidorah. Battra went to an Island off the coast of what's now Japan and layed an egg. Ghidorah shot his gravity beams at Mothra and lifted her in the air, then dropped her. Mothra shot string from her mouth at Ghidorah and wrapped his heads in the string. Ghidorah broke out and Battra picked up Mothra and stabbed her with his legs. He then dropped Mothra in the ocean. Ghidorah roared at continued his killing spree. A Godzillasaurus approached them and roared. Ghidorah shot Gravity beams at it. The Godzillasaurus appeared to be killed, but was glowing blue. Ghidorah then dropped the Godzillasaurus in the ocean. Battra went to Asia and killed a lot of dinosaurs in his way. Mothra swam back to Birth Island and fell to the ground. Her eyes went black instead of blue. What appeared to be a dinosaur, known as the Gorosaurus confronted Ghidorah. Ghidorah fired his gravity beams at Gorosaurus. Gorosaurus kicked Ghidorah on the back. Battra quickly swooped in but was interrupted by Titanosaurus. Ghidorah shot the two and Gorosaurus bit Ghidorah's right head. Titanosaurus punched Battra and tried to kill him, this failed and Battra created large gusts of winds, so did Titanosaurus with his tail. Titanosaurus won this and tackled Battra. Gorosaurus kicked Ghidorah again. Gorosaurus and Titanosaurus roared at Ghidorah. Ghidorah shot them both with his gravity beams and were sent flying. The twin fairies knelled in front of Mothra and started singing. "Mosura ya Mosura, Dongan Kasakuyan, Indo muu, Rusuto uiraadoa, Hanba hanbamuyan, Randa banunradan, Tounjukanraa, Kasaku yaanmu.", sang the fairies. Mothra reawakened and made a cocoon, five hours later, a fully grown Mothra came out and went flying over the seas, towards Ghidorah. Mothra arrived and healed Gorosaurus and Titanosaurus. Mothra charged at Battra. "STUPID MOTH!", he yelled at her in their language. "You betrayed us, you betrayed me, your sister.", Mothra said. Mothra shot beams from her antenna straight into Battra's eyes, ending him. "Who's the stupid moth now?", she mockingly said. Gorosaurus and Titanosaurus looked at her confusingly because they couldn't understand their language. Gorosaurus ripped out Ghidorah's right head. Titanosaurus attacked Ghidorah's left head. Ghidorah's middle head shot Gorosaurus into a mountain, making rocks fall on Gorosaurus, and borrowing Gorosaurus under thousands of large rocks, where he would remain dormat for millions of years. Titanosaurus ripped out Ghidorah's left head. Ghidorah shot him into the ocean. Mothra was the only one left. Mothra blew scales around them. Ghidorah tried to fire a gravity beam, but went straight back to him. Mothra stabbed Ghidorah with her legs and ripped out the final head, claiming victory. Mothra went back to Birth Island, with the sunset in the background.

The end


  • good story

    Aug 02, 2018

  • Santana Lucio

    Santana Lucio

    What is Godzillasaurus

    Sep 04, 2018

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