Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Biography
Innocence..Is anyone really innocent? Is it choices that cause people not to be innocent? the question that comes to mind in more ways than one.
when babies are born, eveyone calls them innocent. Why? Maybe because babies are so young that they can not make choices just yet. maybe because their parents make the choices for them. when kids are young before they know right from wrong they too are innocent. No one really knows the real reason it is called innocence.
The courts even say innocent until proven guilty. How do they know who is innocent or who is Guilty? I guess no one is innocent. everyone has a past they are not proud of and everyone has caused trouble or meheim. No matter there age. Old or young we are not so innocent.
when we get older we should have learned from our parents of Gaurdians or even our caretakers, that every choice we make has consequences. some of us though were not that lucky and did not recive that lesson to be learned. On the other hand the ones that didshould know that we can not do anything no matter how small that there are conceqences, weather it is hurting ourselves, others or even getting into trouble. Is it innocence or is the conceqences that put us where we are now as adults?
Let me tell you something, you probably never thought could have shapped you or even affected who you are. Family. the reason most people dont think family has caused you to shape your lives is because they have always been around you. family has been by your side through thick and thin. good times and bad. when you got hurt or in trouble your family was always there to help scrape up the mess. familly helped heal your cuts and bruises.
The thing is what happens when your family starts to fall apart? who is there to put the pieces back together? It shouldent be just one single person. It has to be everyone. If everyone does not help than it is doomed to fail.
Adults tell every child what to wear, what to say, also how to act. As a parent that is helping shape the children to who they should become as adults. Parents also tell the children when to go to school, if there music is innopropiate or even if they can go to a certian friends house.
as children and young adults we never liked to listen and we always thought we knew what was best for ourselves even when we knew we were wrong. so when we choose to do something against our parents wishes it was the start of the choices have conceqences idea. Did the parents punish or ignore when the child went against what they were told was right or wrong? every parent is different and so are there teaching methods.
As children we would complain and whin about not getting are way. we would even lie about certian things just to escape the concequences that were sure to come our way.
To be continued..........