Purpose Read Count : 134

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Today is a new beginning! Tomorrow has gone and I have failed myself.....When will I take the greatest risk of all? Sobreity! We sometimes have to fall in order to rise! Is it human nature to fail, succeed, love, to over acheive? What is our nature? You/I/ and all individuals wonder what our very extradorniary special individual purpose shall be.  We have ideas and dreams of such great purpose. I expect every human would like to be special and important. Needed, Remembered and never forgotten...even in the afterlife where we shall receive eternal peace. When reaching for our dreams,  finding our purpose there is no cloud you can't reach. He'll reach to the moon, stars, and deep in the heart of heaven! We got this.... Failure to live and lacking faith isn't living at all. Take that risk. Jump off that cliff knowing Gods got you! Close your eyes can you see your future? You may not see it now. Sometimes life can only be understood going backwards but can only be truly lived going forward.... Take smaller steps when in lessons in life

 Pay attention to the things in life that become invisible to the naked eye. In the 

darkness where u no longer look be aware....hold steady, and always expect the unexpected. We are built strong .....we are each alive for a reason are purpose is clear....written in stone by our Father.....So I say this to me/You and all who think are feel they have no purpose. You do! God put you here....we have reason!!! Fulfill your heart and find your purpose..

By: Dorothy I Nettles


  • Jul 29, 2018

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