Upcoming Changes Read Count : 175

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Science and Technology

Hello Writer's Outlet community. In the next few weeks some new changes are coming to Writer's Outlet.

1. The auto double spacing will be gone replaced by single spacing. This is already active for iOS users.

2. You will be able to see who follows you in addition to who you follow.

3. You will be able to see who likes your comments.

4. I will have a GIF for showing how to scroll which is very easy to do. As a reminder, scroll up to remove the title box and then scroll down.

5. Some bug fixes and notification fixes. 

This will be the last update for a while and I will be taking a more hands off approach going forward. If you need anything you can always email our tech support at writersoutletllc@gmail.com

Thank you to everyone who has supported the app over the past 18 months. Without you, we are nothing.


  • Nice

    Jul 28, 2018

  • When?

    Jul 30, 2018

  • Jul 28, 2018

  • Jul 28, 2018

  • I really did have a sort of a suggestion for an update but anyway this is good news!

    Jul 29, 2018

  • Jul 31, 2018

  • Aug 01, 2018

  • Paige Cowlishaw

    Paige Cowlishaw


    Aug 03, 2018

  • Eowyn Carpenter

    Eowyn Carpenter


    Aug 07, 2018

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