How Do I Know? Read Count : 103

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
How do I know,
That you really love me?
That what I feel for you is true?
That I am not just fooling myself?
That I am worth the way you treat me?

How do I know, 
This is the path intended for me?
That I am living up to my fullest potential?
That life really can get better?
That I mean something to someone?

How do I know,
That what I feel is not just a figment of my imagination?
You tell me:
That I love you,
That I need you,
That you will always be there for me.

How do I know,
Your not just saying this so that YOU aren’t alone?
Your not making me feel lower to make YOU feel bigger?
You actually care how I feel and what I think?
You want me for me not because of what I bring to the table to make YOUR life easier?


  • Jul 28, 2018

  • Jul 28, 2018

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