Someone Else Not Me Read Count : 186

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
    I was born a ole redheaded poor white girl in Mississippi. West Jackson to be correct. But I feel like a grew up rich with the love of family the one God put me with and the one Fate gave me in the very beginning of my life. My pop wanted to go to the big city of Houston for work so he gave up his family homestead. He was from Ackerman, we have a whole road name called Scott's road. My brothers grew up in Houston but I was just conceived their, mom was 3 months pregnant with me when they moved back so I'm guessing my oldest brother was about 12 or 13  and my other 10. I have a clipping of this story that got told a lot there was a contest in Houston winner got a free dog for having the most freckles anyway my brother Rodger won but it almost didn't happen this other kids face was covered but Johnny yelled out Otty  take your shirt off when he did he was covered front and back and won.
My parents looked like movie stars I will post picture's to go along with this story but I guess I have to do another cause tried before and has lost everything written I hope that whoever reads this enjoys cause I'm trying just lost about hour of writing reason who knows I wish I could write where it was readable but my eyes or old now and that really pisses me off. My earlier writings were about same thing but I started writing at a really fucked up time in my life my son says my life to him was like that movie dazed and confused growing up in west Jackson was great oh yea there was crappy times even not being with the in crowd but really cry a river I loved being a misfit my growing up was a blast and frankly I wouldn't have survived my later years if I hadn't grown up the way I did.

    MF That was the third time OK count 1_ 2 the hell with that the madder I get the harder I fight. Sullivan/Irish/Scorpion /Troll/Misfit I'm a big girl I'M not scared I was born in Jackson.  Well when my parents moved back its Denver St off Capital next door was the Mccrawls the people who would become my other family. Vicki was already born and I came 3 months later then Donna,Tommy, and my littlest sister KK. It was destined in the heavens cause every time we moved they moved, either behind houses to each other or next door eventually buying house on the same street next door to each other before I started 1st grade. There Granny my granny now and my moms best friend she was a trip. She took us every Wed night to see cowboy Bill watts and would entertain her self talking us into running threw a green switch I swear was 20 ft oh yea object to see who got the most red whelps. Also they had a pomegranate tree she said that all belonged to her so we would sneak one and hide behind shed we always got caught I think she counted them. Tried one a few years ago yuk. Be back tired it happened again wrote then it disappears that's life shit happens 
  My parent's I know grew up in a story that's very interesting stories I've heard when my mom met my dad he also introduced his names as James also his nephew to her sister they also married. That means he was my cousin and uncle and there child my double first cousin. Yea my dad's name Willie Brown, he is white Lol sorry that's funny to me. 10 brothers and sisters mom's side 7 to start her mom died when she was 9 her  dad remarried had 2 more so a total of 11 if her mom would have lived would have been 11 twins died when her mom did. She was lucky during depression her pop owned a store had they had a car. I loved my maw maw but my mom doesn't care for step parents. Anyway the family gatherings every Sunday drove to her dad's and cook back then kids ate after grownups not before and they cleaned kitchen that's where we went wrong saying we would be better parents than ours we screwed up.  
I've been trying to be a little light on story to give whoever reads a understanding that what's coming to be understood all choices that happen don't have blame towards anyone it is just what it is we are our own Destiny we can either turn left or right or turn around but only the person who can be blamed for good or bad is yourself my life growing up parents and family great the choices were all on me it is what it is I will begin writing the story of someone else not me and me just wanted you to draw a mental picture of the happy times at first cause there were many. My biggest regret in life is SETTLING of my choices That IF I had done this instead of that I tell my son and any young person who reads this do not SETTLE for nothing you go for what you want don't let anyone make you feel or tell you anything different BECAUSE that TIME WILL COME AND THAT REAL FEELING OF REGRET AND KNOWLEDGE OF WASTED YEARS OF SETTLING THEN YOU'LL REALIZE TIME ISN'T YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE.

You know its to bad we can't do a dress rehearsal on life, we could go back and change words, places, mistakes that we made. But that's not gonna happen or if I could go back in time just to kick my own ass that would be something I would love too do more than once. I used to work for the government yea I was postal I will never forget this card that came through for someone to get there animal physical. I remember thinking that's how I feel right now life in beginning wonderful then. It said this@ During the last year, I growled at the mailman 269 times dug 2 holes in the yard got my tail stuck in the screen door missed being hit by a car ate a mouthful of grass every week during the summer chased 3 rabbits and 12 squirrels caught one of them. Got into the garbage 6 times barely escaped the spray of a skunk. Got my nose scratched by a tomcat. Ran away TWICE. Went swimming got an ear infection picked up a coat full of burrs. Drank out of the toilet and chewed up a slipper.

Since 1978 my life's been a whirlwind I've been harassed, followed,stalked ,beat up, raped, escaped, loved, feeling loved, slapped, had a friend, had a false friend, that hurt me the most of all I've cried a river over that betrayal. If I love you OK we might be fine but if I trust someone the sky is the limit and I'm not talking just about with a sex partner even though that would be the best.
Oh and let's not forget the start kicker of my drama shit had a baby before I had a orgasm (That's messed up however you look at it) Got pregnant first time top that off he was killed in a freak accident 3 weeks later. Yep pretty sure growing up tuff saved me there I know it. Then Oct 1995 when I first started writing clue Glen Rogers.

Had to take a break but I'm back missing my Dad today. Life growing up with him was so fun. Every Saturday we went to a local store to get bacon with rind fudge cycle rock and roll cookie and the largest pixie stick made. My mom worked a large at  car part maker in Clinton. He was a carpenter local union and work at times was not available to work all the time but we made it. My oldest brother joined army went to Vietnam and it was scary somehow when he can back my other brother was suppose to go but Roger knowing Johnny ROTC training would make him a sergeant talked his superiors into sending him to Korea cause they shot tall ones first he said thinking they were in charge. Must have worked cause he went to Korea. Roger told us later he went  missing we found out later that he had been caught but a guard took a liking to him cause of freckles and red hair and left his door unlocked and he escape.  Three weeks after his best friend returned Vietnam he was killed by drunk driver it was a horrible time for my brother then. MY brother and I shared the 2nd bedroom he had abed me a cot and no nothing ever sick happened. I hate that went own in the world but not in mine. My brother Johnny married before he left she was pregnant with my first niece Roger soon sons. That's another story can you tell I reflect so I don't talk about my own demons. I've come to realization that we all have a story and it's special to all of us and if you want to see or believe the bullshit that they call reality well real life and problems isn't that much glamorous and fun yea there are times of fun. But you have to wake up and come back to the real life your real b******* LIFE. The worst thing that has happened in my life it's been now friends aren't friends  they don't give a fuck about you unless your beneficial to there life. So that's why they come and go. SORRY Just  depressed but its no ones else fault mine and mine alone this is a go back in time moment and kick your ass your own ass. No One screwed me up but me no one else but it's all good I just got to change why is this how it's been 7 to 10 years you got to try pick up do better Change yourself. Hell I don't like me SOO much baggage I wouldn't take it from anyone else.
Just to be clear don't get it twisted you know I'm not going to kill myself I'm not that stupid. o Leland a very good friend long time ago when I was I think 16  Barb  when you fall down you get  the f****** back up Always! A lot of people  or born with just common  sense really a damn shame how self absorption all of us have become and forgot  things such as charity, us patience,  and understanding. I do I love life and I know its out there my God is true and I have faith just letting people really realize reality TV what a con I want to see friends caring hanging out with them and family sometimes together without any judgement pity or Drama. A day without that W.T.F. KINDA Day! PART 1/ End Go to UNICORNS cont.....


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