Amber Three Chapter 2 Read Count : 117

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Childrens

Chapter 2

The open world

It was before dawn, Amber got ready while Slowpoke was still asleep. Amber has been researching about how fashion form old magazine that she finds in and around the forest.

So wore a pink t-shirt, navy blue shorts with a black belt, black gloves with navy blue rings around the fingers and wrist. She also well handmade hair clips that look like Slowpoke and her other forest friends, a yellow raincoat and to top it all off she wore a red and white checker pattern bandana around her neck that she had since she was baby.

When she got ready Amber gently grabs Slowpoke and place him her backpack still asleep. She then walk her way to the edge of the forest, before she left she looked back at the old home. She shake her head and look forward, Amber took a deep breath and takes a step forward into the open world.

Amber was scared but yet thrilled, for once in her life she finally feels free. She ran and ran until she up across a road, she grabs her map that she found in a Pidgey nest out of her pocket. She looks at the map then her surroundings, "Oh! Great looks like there is a building nare by, maybe I'll meet someone there?" Amber wounder.

She put her map away and started walking her way to the direction of the nare by building. When got there she saw a sign saying 'Porfessor Oak Laboratory', Amber was confused about the words Porfessor and Laboratory but she did know what Oak means. "Is this a home for a tree?" Amber questioned herself before up to the strange building.

She knock on the door, no answer. "Huh? Oak must be still asleep, well it is pretty earlier. I guess I can wait for a bit" Amber said to herself, she put her backpack down and sat down on the door step and waited and waited until someone was walking towards her. Amber stood up ecstatic because it wasn't just someone it was Gary, she wave her hand in the air shouting "Gary! Is that you?"

He got closer and there were no doubt about it, it was Gary. Amber jump with glee, and ran to Gary and gave him a big hug. Gary broke the hug and said "do I know you?" Amber pauses, lets go of Gary and then used double slap on him a couple of times. "You remember me now?" Amber growled at Gary. Gary was confused until he finally remember after look up at Amber angry face, he pointed at Amber a studdard "y-y-your that girl form the forest!"

Amber face of rage turn into a face joy, she reached out a hand to Gary. Gary was going to refuse at first but when he saw Amber kind, caring smile. He took her hand like there were no tomorrow, Amber pull him up surprised how tight Gary grip is. Soon he was back on his feet still hold on to Amber hand, Gary scratches the of his neck and apologize for forgetting who she was.

Then he bow on his knee like a prince, still holding Amber hand he brings it close to his face and said "I just can't believe how I forget such a beautiful maiden, how foolish of me" he then kissed her hand with a smirk on his face.

Amber only stared at Gary trying to figurer out what going on. Then she remembered what one of her friends said "I saw on a tv there was a handsome prince and beautiful princess, the prince bend down on one of his knees holding the princess hand and kissing it~ so romantic!"

'Oh! I understand now, this is what people called a 'romantic moment' never thought this will happen so soon' Amber thought in her head, 'what should I do? What should I say? I have to do something before things get awkward. Amber so then trying to do her best giggle, she also covers haft of her face so Gary won't see her nervousness.

Gary stood up and drag Amber to the doorstep, "is this yours?" Gary said pointing at Amber backpack. Amber nodded, Gary reached for her bag until Amber snatched it before him. "So sorry, but I just don't like other people touching my things I'm so sorry!" Amber apologize. Gary just chuckled and smile at Amber, he knocks the door yelling "Hey! Gramps you up!? Hello? Hey Grampa come and open the door!"

Amber finally grabbed her own hand back, Gary stared at Amber confused "What's wrong?" Amber place a finger on her lips hashing Gary to be quiet, she open her bag showing a sleeping Slowpoke inside. "YOU ALREADY HAVE A POKÉMON!?" Gary shouted, Amber rises her hand getting ready to used double slap again.

Gary wave his arms around in the air whispering "Okay okay I'll be quiet just don't slap me again" Amber then slowly lower her hand, and turn back to Slowpoke still fast asleep. "Where did you got that?" Gary questioned Amber, she turn to Gary titled her head and simply say "he's my brother"

Gary eyes widened before he said anything Amber cover his mouth with her hand, refraining him from waking up Slowpoke. The door opens coming out was a old man wearing a long white coat, Amber immediately removes her hand form Gary mouth before the man saw. "Oh! Gary sorry I wasn't expecting you coming so soon" the old man turn his gaze to Amber, "So Gary who's your friend?" He said with a smirk.

Before Gary could speak Amber instantly said "Hello there! I'm Amber Three it's very nice to meet you Mister Oak? Is it?" Amber grabs the old man hand and shakes it with excitement. He was surprised at first but then started to chuckled he nodded and respond with "why yes I am Porfessor Oak. My my ain't you the energetic type, say what's in your little bag there?" 'So Oak is not a tree but a person... interesting' Amber thought.

She let go of Oak's hand and show him inside her bag. Slowpoke slowly opens his eyes and pop his head out of the bag, he looks around and realized that both him and Amber are not in the forest anymore. This causes Slowpoke to panic, "aah~ a Slowpoke it looks like it's been in a lot of care and attention"

Slowpoke only shakes his head hoping it's a dream, Oak grabs Slowpoke and lifts him in the air. "Wow! pretty hevy for its size" Oak says, Amber was shaking uncontrollably Gary notice this but doesn’t know what wrong though. "Uh... uh... uh... um Porfessor Oak may you please have my brother back, your kind of scaring him" Amber studdard.

Gary took a thought about when she said 'brother' what does she mean by that Gary thought in his head.

Slowpoke slowly tear up and used Water gun on Porfessor Oak, then kicked the professor in the face and jumped into Amber's arms. Amber then bow apologizing in Slowpoke behalf "I'm so sorry I swear Slowpoke doesn't mean to do it. He was just scared because I'm the only human he used to, I'm so very sorry!"

But Porfessor Oak didn't get angry instead he just laughed. "No no don't apologize, you told me at the start he was afraid. I should have listened" he says while scratching the back of his head.

"Well Amber... do you want to come inside?"

End Of Chapter

hope you enjoyed it♡


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