A Duel To The Death Read Count : 116

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics

I read Pat Buchanan's article today where he said if ex-CIA Director John Brennan had said about Andrew Jackson, what he said about Corrupt Lying Fake President, he would have been challenged to a duel and have been shot. This thought is absurd on many levels. No, Corrupt Lying Fake and Bone Spur Addled President would never have the grit or courage to duel anyone. He would, however, have one of his sycophants "stand-in" for him. But whom? Rudy? Cohen? Manafort? Eric? Jr? None of these losers would do it. Maybe Sean Hannity or Alex Jones, they are both insane. Regardless, Brennan would win the duel.


  • Aug 19, 2018

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