Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Demora somehow got another cup of ale. So now she was unconscious over my shoulder as me and Eva made it up the hallway to the room.
I had Eva open the door since my hands were full from carrying both my stuff and Demora. I laid her on the bed closest to the window. But she locked her hands around my neck. I poked her in the sides and she laughed letting go.
I set our stuff on the table in the corner. I was curious about the door next to it. I opened it to see that this room had an attached bathroom with a tub. I shut it and went back to demora. I leaned down to her ear.
"This room has a bath" I said to her
Her eyes shot open. But since she was drunk she didn't move. I pulled her up and unfastened the straps on her breastplate.
"Eva can you go run some bath water? I'll need your help making sure she doesnt drown in there."
Eva left to run the water. I finished undoing all the straps on her armor. I removed all the small pieces first like her boots and vambraces. Lifted her breastplate off leaving her under shirt on. She fought me when I tried to get her to stand up so I could remove her plate skirt.
"If you want me to get naked for you. All you would had to do is ask." Cooed Demora.
"Shut up kid. I could of had Eva do it and be here all night before she figured out how your armor unhooks."
Demora started to lift her under shirt and I stopped her.
"I don't want to see you naked." I said
Eva came back out of the bathroom. I pushed demora back onto the bed and went to our bags. I pulled out a shirt for Eva and a gown for demora. I laid them on the bed.
"You take a bath with her and put this shirt on to sleep in. I'm going to go check the horses. I'll be back in a bit." I told Eva.
I walked over to the door and opened it before I closed it I looked back at Eva. "You 2 will be sharing a bed since you are both girls. Make sure demora understands that" she nodded and I left.
The rain lightened up it was more of a sprinkle now. We we're lucky this inn had a stable so the horses were not be left out in the rain. The moment I stepped out from under the cover to head to the stable. Memories of that night 20 years go flashed through my head. It was pouring then as I watched people getting slaughtered in front of my eyes. I made it to the stable and stepped out of the rain. My black mare blake was off in a far stall. As I made it to her and touched her she bucked a little.
"Calm down girl. It's only me" I said as I brushed her coat.
My horse is a Arcadian mare. Demora tried to mount her once and was thrown off. Arcadian horses are very selective on who it will let ride them. I raised her from a coat since her mother was put down cause she was too wild. Blake's father Atem was like an alpha. I was the only one who could approach him without getting attacked. I convinced the owners to sell me Atem and Blake. I looked into Blake's Ruby red eyes. She nudged me.
"I know girl we both miss your dad" I patted her and moved over to the pile of hay and laid on it. I stared at the ceiling just thinking of where I'm headed next.
I nodded off to the sound of the rain on the tin roof. But then I heard Blake making alot of noise. I opened my eyes to see a tall slender woman dressed in a long black gown. You could say she was perfect in everyway. She had long alburn hair that flowed over her shoulders and halfway down her back. The blue of her eyes were captivating. She gave me a slight smile and patted Blake instantly calming her.
"She is a beautiful creature. I have never seen her equal" said the woman
I placed my hand on the short sword on my waist. She saw this and put her hands up in surrender. I walked over to her coming less then a foot from her. Her slight smile became wider and more devilish.
"I felt your presence the moment you entered this town warden" said the woman wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
"What do you want from me woman" I asked
"I don't want anything from you but to see a man who could fight a hundred men alone." She said feeling me up.
I pushed her away. Her smile turned to a pout. But I felt something was off about her. Only a very talented or experienced mage could feel his presence. But before he could react she was behind him feeling him up again. Her hand lowered to his crotched but he stopped it.
"I bet you could show a woman a good time" she cooed
I was done with her games. I grabbed arms and pinned her against the wall. But the look in her eyes turned seductive with a blush slowing appearing on her face. Then I realized what she was. A dryad.
"So how is a dryad living in a human town not as a slave" I stared at her.
"I could say the same for you young warden. You are as much a fae as me" she retorted staring at my lips.
"I'm good at concealing my presence from humans" I stared into her eyes.
The blue was almost gone being replaced by an emerald green. She wasn't my first encounter with a dryad. Vines slowly wrapped around my hands immobilizing me. She slipped out of my grasps. The Vines slowly turned me making me sit back down on the hay but keeping my arms pinned above my head. She came over and sat in my lap leaning back resting her head on my shoulder.
"Isn't this better. A beautiful woman servicing you." She started rubbing her ass against my crotch.
I struggled against the Vines but they were laced with magic. The blush on her face deepened. Even though I'm not trying to give in to her; I can't help I'm a guy. I feel my pants getting tighter. This has to stop before it gets out of control. I let out a loud whistle which made Blake come closer.
"Bite off these Vines for me girl." I told her.
Blake leaned her head down ripping the vines off of me. I grabbed the dryad. She tried to struggle but compared to my strength she wasn't winning.
"That is enough" I yelled
"I was just getting to the good part" pouted the dryad.
"Show me your true form cause dryads don't look that human"
I could feel the magic energy release around her when I let go. She stood up and her black dress was the only thing that didn't change. Her long Auburn hair turned snow white and her skin became more porcelain. She turned and her eyes were emerald.
I stood up towering over her. "You look alot prettier now"
She wouldn't look up into my eyes. She just stood there fidgeting. "I'm sorry"