Der Fuhrer Trumputin Read Count : 89

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics

So Donny Bone Spurs turned military macho man wants an ostentatious review of "his" troops at a cost to tax payers of $92 million. American soldiers,  the best fighters the world has ever seen, don't have the need for such a major pomp and circumstance ceremony. It is not in their DNA, nor the DNA of America itself. This is the stuff of third world third rate dictators, not the greatest military power in the world. Our military simply kicks ass and takes names with no need to parade in front of such a small, weak coward. How's this for a compromise? Let's let Lying Corrupt Fake President "dress-up" like a Generalissimo so he can parade himself up and down the halls of the White House and pretend he didn't draft dodge five times when he was called to duty. We can then use that $92 million to increase pay, benefits and medical care for our troops. I say, let the troops decide. What say you?



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