Dear "Gator Mike" Read Count : 229

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Dear Mr. "Gator Mike"

First off. We will stop "whining" when Trump stops whining about his obviously more than lackluster numbers of his sad, lame, usual fear-mongering, and boring Inauguration. 

Sorry, but this was not the "Largest inauguration seen, ever" (Sean Spicer) There are facts, data, and pictures that prove this time and time again... Oh wait.. Conservatives have "alternative facts" now, aka the new substitute for blatant LIES! My fault!

Trump does not care about you or me. He cares about his wealthy CEO-ridden cabinet and the business ties he holds in Russia, the Kremlin, and the Russian Mafia. (Why don't you use the Google Machine for those statements) 

Furthermore, no, It is not "our fault" that Hilary won the primary election. She and her corrupt DNC team blatantly STOLE the election from Bernie Sanders. But, that's a whole other story that has, yet again, facts, data, and information that proves this belief - Not "alternative facts."   

In response to your wonderful input of having us "sit back" and "relax", this is a joke right? I'm sorry that I am not yet completely demoralized like Trump and his ENTIRE idiotic and bigoted cabinet. I fundamentally care about people and HUMANS who aren't exactly like me. I'm a straight white male. 

That said, I will continue to RESIST his insanity. America is now OFFICIALLY considered a "Flawed Democracy." Why? Probably because Golden-Shower Queen Trump is entirely disregarding the American Diplomatic process of instituting and creating LAWS. His executive orders and new weekly Immigrant crime "fact postings" remind me of Hitler. 

Allow me to educate you for a moment: Hitler had a registry for an entire religion of people; Jewish. Trump wants a registry for an entire religion; Islam. Hitler was able to successfully discredit all media and journalism, causing all doubt in the people. What is Trump's new favorite catch phrase?! FAKE NEWS. You're fake news, this is fake news, everything other than FOX, is FAKE NEWS. Hitler had a weekly program that released "crimes caused by Jews." Trump is now releasing on a weekly basis "crimes caused be Immigrants." Trump refuses to shut down Alt-right extremists, AKA NAZIS. It's like pulling teeth to get his puny brain to admit fault, ever. His Ego is the most inflated, Melania is obviously terrified of him as well.

I will not accept fascism in this country. I will not accept hate. LOVE TRUMPS HATE. Just wait. He's going to be impeached going into his second year. You heard it here first.


- Sam Wheeler 


  • Gator Mike

    Gator Mike

    Still whining... Maybe need to move to France where you'll fit right in?

    Jan 27, 2017

  • Mar 12, 2017

  • Mar 12, 2017

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