One Year Read Count : 98

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Self Help

Today makes it one year of following a dream that I had to wait five years before taking a step.

Although it seems like it was taken through the back door but then,a step is a step. Sitting down and thinking back to the very first day when it all began, leaves me with tears in my eyes.

Oh! How excited I was about it. I walked into the hospital that day smiling from teeth to teeth while making resolutions in my head

The previous year was spent at a job I loved but got lots of heart break from. I had vowed to change lots of things about me but well,I guess that didn't happen like I wanted.

This was me taking a new step and trying to do something that I had loved from childhood. Something I promised my late dad to make him proud in. I made him a promise to make him proud in whatever I did (what I wanted to do wasn't news to anyone)

I'm just so used to giving my all in something when I set my heart at it. Some times,people call it eye service to my face but that's really just me.

Anyway,back to work and my love for it. It didn't take me up to a month to catch up on all of the basics,I just loved it. Of course,in everything there's both the good and bad side but there was just this joy I could feel doing what I did

Right now,irrespective of all the complaints I have or the numerous bad days. I have a Passion for caring for people and that has kept me going.

A whole year has gone by now and in this year,I have grown. Matured in ways that I cannot deny. I do truly love what I do,sometimes I tell myself that this dream is a goose chase and it's high time I woke.

But then,that's the biggest lie I've had to ever tell myself. I might take a break and I will soon. When I do come back,it's gonna be with full force.

Congrats on being a nurse for a year Jennyl


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