Brain Diseased Read Count : 103

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics

Believe it or not, Lying Fake President has repeatedly tweeted inane attacks over the last 48 hours against one of his hand picked White House staffers. Never, never in the history of our Presidency has anyone focused so much thought, time and energy to verbally attack a rank and file appointee.  Yes, without question, Omarosa Manigault-Newman is a piece of crap sellout, but that is beside the point. Between his incessant Trump Resort vacationing, political rally rabble rousing, tweeting and lying,  he has minimal time to address the true duties of his office. This is why he can't figure out how to reconnect the children with their parents that he ordered to be separated (obscene child abuse). This is why he has put forth no meaningful infrastructure projects for airports, bridges and power grid improvement. This is why he hasn't had the time to read any indepth intelligence reports regarding the Russian cyber attacks against our democracy and continues to side with his handler, Vladimir Putin, that this is all a hoax. Lying Fake President is not stupid. He is obviously suffering from mental dementia. How else can anyone explain his bizarre level of narcissism? He needs to be gently led from office to receive the mental care he deserves to receive. Maybe a few sessions of electro shock therapy can get him back to a level of minimal cognitive function. Even if that works, he will still be unfit for Office. 


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