Category : Stories
Sub Category : Thriller
My name is Dominick also called dom I have made mistakes on life but not as bad as my brother Roderick mistakes well when we were in year 2 in primary school our mom took us to a bowling alley zone I was very excited mom let us pick out a flavour of candy floss of course I picked my favourite bublegum we all picked a alley and put our names into the machine it was my turn first so I bowled the ball and I got a strike my brother Roderick well on his turn he manage to get one down I smed and said "it is not the winning that is important it is the taking part that counts" I took that back straight away my brother Roderick took this the wrong way so out of anger he picked up the heaviest bowling ball and tbrew it straight at a girl named Alex in the next lane I hid I was scared for my life he had harmed someone. A security guard came over took me and my mom by the hand and behind police were taking my brother away forever I cried for hours I could not stop dreaming about it I was scarded for life