Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
Ever since i was little my parents have allways told me i was a diferent.Not like the other kids,special in your own way.I never quite understode them when i was that small.I never understode why we moved so mutch,why they'd ignore me because i said what i heard coming from their voice,and why i ended up in therapy.As I got older I started to realise its not them its me.Its me who is hearing their thoughts Its me who is not undersanding what is going on.And if i keped acting this way i would end up in some kind of lab.Or an insane Islam.From the age of 6 years old I KNEW I HAD TO CHANGE.I could hear peoples thoughts,go into their mind!My parents already thought somthing was wrong with me.So i made rulesfor myself,tested what i could do with this power,got out of therapy and became the person i am today.My name is nora vansasha 16 years old and very unsociable.And as you can see im not living my life to its fullist.I regret making a list of rulse for myself but what can i do!The first rule is dont reavil your secret!The seconed rule is no realionships.The third rule is dont get close to people.Im ment to be alone forever if this is how my lifes gonna go.I want to brake my boundries brake my rules i want to be normal.But im to conscious for that.So you might be wondering how my power works?Right from after all of that i just said.Heres the thing i can hear peoples thoughts but i cant stop hearing them theirs no off swich.Beleive me ive tested that already.The radious for this power of mine is not that huge.I can hear people's thoughts from like only two yeard sticks put togethere to make it easier.So people have to be a little close try imgining it.So in know i said theirs no off switch but when im sleeping i cant hear anything its the only time of peace for me in my day,my sanctuary.
Authors note- Hello im arry nice to meet you the author of this prolougle.This is my first story so i hope you all like it!This was just so you can understand noras power and why shes like this.Their will be a real chapter tomaroy with more words.And a story line i have it all figered out!Peace out!