Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
Children flew by in a rainbow flash. Mum kissed me goodbye. As i looked up at the entrance it seemed like i just didnt belong. The younger kids staring and muttering amongst themselves as if i was a disease. I took a deep breath and walked into the main office. "Ah you must me our new student!" Boomed an authoritative voice from further down the hall. "Yes" at this point i didnt know whether to use sir after my yes or give an explaination as to who i am and why i am here. "What is your name?" Finally, something i can answer. "Addison, but everyone just calls me addy." "Well addy, ill show you to your classroom." I just nodded and follow the tall, slighly hairless man down the hall, who by this point i had worked out was the principle. "Your teacher is Ms Furnard." After a couple of turns we had arrived. "Here we are, classroom 14B." Next minute i turn around and he was nowhere to be seen. The corridors full of lockers were narrow and quiet, although i am sure they will become quite busy by lunch time. I walked up to the door, took a deep breath and turned the handle. You know that feeling just before you drop on a rollercoaster, yeah, that was what it felt like. A million eyes starting at me, judging every miniscule detail from my hair to my freckles. "Ah, class this is our new student..." "what is your name darling?" "Addison but just call me addy" "...addy, she moved here from brisbane, Australia give her a warm welcome." There was some clapping and whistling but eventually it stopped, and as i took a seat in the back row the class slowly returned to its original state. I opened my backpack and took out my pen and notebook. I could see two girls muttering in the corner of my eye and i assumed it was about me. Surely, by year 11 this childish behaviour would cease, i guess not. About 20 minutes into the class i felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see a handsome male staring back at me. He passed me a note. I spun back around and tried to control my butterflies. I opened the note, 'meet us @ winston park at 350pm sharp.' This was totally not what i was expecting on my first day. I guess ill have to wait to find out what im in for.
After class i went to find my locker and get sorted. I kept seeing those girls, still keeping up their muttering antics, that guy that handed me the note, well, i found out he was on the football team, and almost every other sporting team the school had. This made me snap back to reality. "Why would a jock, want anything to do with a girl like me?" My phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly checked my watch 2:23pm i still had another 7 minutes to get to class. I opened my phone and saw a notification message from unknown identity. Without thinking I opened it. "Are you going to meet us and come and have some fun?" I stood there blankly for a moment, trying to figure out what had just happened and who this person was. I replied "yes, be there or be square right?" I rushed to history. The worlds most boring subject to most but not me. I love history there is just so much to learn about the world. I tried to focus on the topics but i ended up staring at the clock waiting to me whoever it was that sent the text and passed me that note. The final bell rang much earlier than I'd have liked it to, i was staring to get anxious about this meeting. I openeed my locker, grabbed my bag and checked the time, 3:40pm. Great i had 10 minute to find this park and these people and hope i dont get kidnapped in a foreign city.
I walked for what felt like hours to find the meeting point. I saw a tall blonde girl chewing gum, looking at her phone whilst being propped up by a light pole. "Are you addy?" She looked up at me as i walked by her. "Yes, im meant to be meeting someone." She let out a giggle, "That's me, my name is taylor but just call me tay."