Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
A 10 year old boy named Red bursts into the Team Rocket base. A few weeks ago Red chose his first Pokémon, a Pikachu. He now has a full team. Red has collected seven badges throughout his adventure. He heard about Team Rocket and decided to put an end to their crimes. A grunt finds him and sends out an Arbok. "Use Bite!", said the grunt. Red sent out A Rhydon. "Use Earthquake!", said Red. Rhydon used Earthquake and Arbok fainted. Two more grunts sent out a Koffing and Golbat. "Rhydon use Earthquake on Koffing, go Pikachu!", said Red. The two Pokémon attacked Rhydon. "Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!", said Red. Pikachu made Golbat faint, Koffing then fainted because of Earthquake. Red went right through the grunts. "Dragonair, use Slam!", said Red. A grunt sent out a Gloom. Red sent out Charizard. "Charizard! Flamethrower!", said Red. Red eventually got into Giovanni's office. "Giovanni, you're a terrible person and I'm going to make you pay!", yelled Red. Giovanni laughed as he turned around. "You?! You're going to stop me?! You're just a child!", Giovanni said with a serious face. "I'm a very strong trainer! I have beaten almost every Gym leader there is!", said Red. "Let's see how strong you really are. Nidoqueen, I choose you!", said Giovanni as he through a pokéball. "Blastoise go!", said Red. "Nidoqueen use Venoshock!", yelled Giovanni. "Blastoice, Hydro pump!", said Red. Blastoise hit first and Nidoqueen was almost out of the count. "Nidoqueen, use Rest." Nidoqueen fell asleep but regained a lot of health. Giovanni woke up Nidoqueen with an Awakening. Blastoise used Hydro Pump again, this time it fainted Nidoqueen. "Good fight kid.", Giovanni said as he teleported away. Five days later Red went to Viridian city and challenged the Gym. He won the trainer battles in there and saw the gym leader, it was no other than Giovanni. Red had a surprised look on his face. Giovanni sent out a Rhyhorn. Red then sent out Blastoise. Blastoiss used hydro pump and Rhyhorn fainted. Giovanni sent out Nidoqueen. "Earth power.", Giovanni said. He made Blastoise faint and Red sent out Venosaur. Venosaur used Leaf storm and Nidoqueen fainted. "Go, Nidoking.", Giovanni sent out Nidoking. "Use thrash.", said Giovanni. One by one, Red's Pokémon fainted and one was left. "Go, Charizard!", said Red. Nidoking used thrash and almost made Charizard faint. "It's not ending with me losing. Charizard, mega evolve!", said Red. Two stones glew and Charizard transformed into Mega Charizard X. Mega Charizard X used Dragon Claw, then Flamethrower and made Nidoking faint. "Kid, take the Viridian city badge.", said Giovanni. Red took the badge and walked away. "Team Rocket is now disbanded, everyone may go back to their normal lives.", Giovanni said. Giovanni went into the forest, he was never seen again.
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