Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
The beast also falls with a hard THUD!!! to the ground.we both struggle to move towards each other for a final attack strike.its survival of the strongest and fastest! natural habitat and animal instinct for the hunt of food takes place! its kill or be killed and....eaten! the t-rex layed on its back it can't ,get back up right away.its arms are no support for it.i manage  to gather enough physical strength to use my healing abilities to take place within my body.the steel skeleton in my body's not damaged at all,but there are shreads of skin falling off me. i stand and face the t-rex! while its wiggling around wounded from my stabbing its mouth.green and red blood mixes in ,all over me and the beast with the dirt of the ground.
as i take several more  breaths  of air,  i give a kill charge attack growl!   grrrrrraaaoo!!   i run right straight into the beast!  HEAD ON! IM IN BERSERKER  MODE NOW!! here...there's  no place of common sense! there is no rational! no respect  no worring! no panic!no decency!no fear!no breaks!
no caring! no pity! no love! no friends! no HEART!...AND  NO MERCY!!
just..................NON STOP KILLING!!
i get to the beast and i slice and swing and,cut and stab, and cut ,and stab its throat! and slice its neck! green blood sprays my chest. i dont stop!  im in RAGE MODE!  AAAARooooo!!! the t-rex sounds of agony pain and defeat! I CONTINUE cutting and stabbing the t-rex ! i reek of its blood upon my body! but i love the smell of a fresh kill! it invigorates my senses as i cut its neck,and slice its throat! i feel alive! finally, the beast stops sqirming around after 100 fists stabs cuts n slices!  to its neck and throat and mouth area..........i look up into the sky and give a  VICTORY CRY! ." rrraaarrrraaooow!!"while standing before the  dead animal soaked in its blood!


  • Jun 06, 2017

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