Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Relationships
A Camel Which Never Existed.
We spotted him at the beach.We thought it's a statue for he never moved. We went near him. He didn't move a bit.
He stood there silently. Undisturbed amidst the crowd. Amidst the curious kids and kite fliers. Amidst the romantic couples and toy vendors. He was not bothered about what came near him or what passed by him. Finally he wagged his tail. He is very much alive!
We made a ride on him. We screamed, we laughed while he swayed. The entire crowd noticed our excitement and fear. But he did not. He stamped on a rock and we thought we fell down. We squeaked frantically. All the people on the beach who had missed watching our ride till then started to notice us for our shrieking voices. We holded onto him more firmly. But he was inattentive to all these.He continued the ride,his well composed stroll. Unaware of the setting sun. Unaware of the sea gulls.Unaware of the ship that passed by.He remained there as if he didn't exist.For he didn't belong here. For he is the ship of the desert. And not of the beach.