How The Angel Boy Died And The Demon Girl Lived Part 3/ The Demons Diary
Read Count : 91
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Diary entry 1 Dear diary I have done it I've got in a body from an angel no less he was a fallen without any memory now how to remove self of his so-called father the cursed one Then I will be free Your favorite Horsemen of the apocalypse Panic Diary entry 2 Dear diary The cursed one is more pathetic than I thought it said he calls for her his wife his dead wife I believe I can grant this wish Maybe by poison and his liquor Your favorite Horsemen of the Apocalypse Panic Diary entry 3 Dear diary It seems I need a mortal name panic is to open the hunters would know of it I shall think of one soon your favorite Horsemen Panic Diary entry 4 Dear diary My new name shall be Nala for safety I should use it for now on Love NALS Diary entry 5 Dear diary I have found my first group I will rebuild my armies and I'll be Queen once again how dare that false King take my throne the Queen of hell Love Nala Diary entry 6 Dear diary tonight I kill the cursive one he pays too much attention to the placement of my vessel he must go Love Nala Diary entry 7 Dear diary How how did he do it the angel he saved the man he calls father he made us fall making me knock the poison out of our hands he's trickier than I thought this must be checked on my vessel should not be but fight me Nala