Category : Stories
Sub Category : Science Fiction
I couldn't hear my heart beat, and yet I could hear water dripping and it sounded as though it we're right next to me. I couldn't see anything due to the blind fold, but I could smell every fume and particle in the air. Gas, sweat, mold, everything and there was one smell I couldn't place, one that smelled delicious. Even though I craved whatever food that was my stomach didn't rumble. My breathing was very faint as if it wasn't even happening. My hands were tied behind my back. I realized my hands being tied behind my back when I tried to stand and wasn't able. The chair wouldn't budge and that was a feeling I wasn't liking. I started to wiggle and pull and move from side to side. I grab ahold of the metal chair I was sitting in and I pull and pull and pull feeling the strength flow through my muscles I feel the metal bar snap in two setting me free.
At least I thought it set me free after pulling my hands from the rope I remove my blindfold and I take a look around. I can tell the lights in the room are off and there aren't any windows for sunshine to shine through, yet I'm able to see everything in Technicolor. I see papers scattered everywhere. Tables flipped over, chairs broken in half. I look at the chair I was sitting in and see what I had done, comparing. I notice I'm not dressed, completely naked actually. I look over my body and it's different from what I remember my abs pop my pecs are nice my dick is much bigger than it used to be. I couldn't see any marks but to be sure I run my hands all down my body feeling for anything. I check my hair on my head and behind my ears my neck down my chest and abs underneath my testicles down my legs and everything on my back side I can reach. There's nothing.
I look up from my body and map the room. An office to the right a stool in the left corner, a glass door straight ahead with an exit sign above it. I walk towards the door and as I pass the office I see someone lying on the floor. He isn't moving so I go that route maybe I can steal his clothes.
Of course the door is locked, so I shake the handle vigorously and it falls off I hold the knob up and look at it rolling my eyes and toss it to the side. I push on the door lightly and it doesn't move I'm starting to get a little irritated at this point so I take both hands and hit the top corners and the door flies off the hinges across the room. I wasn't sure what to think about it but I decide pretty quickly to move on and walk into the office and over to the body. I bend over and shake the body and unfortunately it wakes up. He jumps to his feet and backs against the wall,
“What the shit!? Why are you naked?” He yells piercing my ears with that whiny voice. I hold out my arms revealing my entire body and look down at it,
“I'm sorry I hadn't noticed.” I responded sarcastically while thinking the same thing.
“What do you want?” The whiny man asks with a quiver.
I chuckle under my breath, “I was checking on you...and going to steal your clothes had you been dead...but I guess I can't be that lucky.”
“You stay away from me!” The whiny man yells and kicks the chair he had moved in front of him and it hits me. Before I had a chance to think of what I was doing I had thrown the chair across the room into the wall leaving a dent and was already against him hold him above the floor by his shirt looking into his eyes.
“Do not!”
That's all I had to say before I got both words out he was already sobbing and begging me not to hurt him. For the next few seconds I literally watch him as if he's some cheesy soap opera on television then I slowly put him down with ease and whiny looks around surprised.
“What's your na…?” The bastard ran, I really didn't wanna be the naked guy chasing men God knows I've done that enough in my life but I wasn't in the mood. I grunt from anger and think to myself,
“May as well play the part...again” and I go after him. I walk out of the office and through the glass exit doors and look to the left. The moron is running around the corner yelling “help” as if there were someone else to help him. I can hear his heart beating rapidly as he runs faster. I decide I'm not gonna waste a lot of time and know I can run faster so I go for it and before I even realize I've started running I'm standing in front of whiny holding him in the air against the wall again and looking in his eyes.
“H-How the hell did you do that?” He asks me with that same quiver I didn't know the answer nor did I care so I decided to threaten,
“Just think about what else I can do.”
I see him take a gulp of saliva and watch his eyes widen making me feel a hint of pride.
“Now listen to me carefully, I need cloths and your going to find them fo me you know I can catch you and you know I can hurt you so find them and bring them to me. Understand?”
He shakes his head rapidly the fear building in his eyes drastically. I slowly put him down again and point at him watching him closely and I finally ask,
“What's your name?”
“John, I'm John.”
“John? Really? Well John can you shed some light on what the fuck is going on around here?”
I look around putting my hands on my waist and finally looking back at John whose staring at me or at my body actually and I ask,
He simply asks,
“C-could I get your clothes first, it's just awkward having conversation with a naked man.”.
“I do it all the time.” I said confident but it made him even more uncomfortable so I let him go find them.
Walking back down the hall I get a whiff of that delicious smell again and I wanna find it. I sniff the air trying to get the trail and walk the way it seems to be coming from. I pass by the doors I came out of to begin with and down the other hall. I come across door at the end and the smell is even stronger and more delicious I know whatever it is that smells so good is in that room. I open the door slowly and see a room of massacre. Dead bodies everywhere on top of desks and on the floors and tables sitting up in chairs the sight was haunting but I couldn't take my eyes off it. I walk further into the room and on the table where a arm or maybe a leg was lying there's a pile of blood I put my finger in it and bring it to my nose. The smell is delicious making my mouth water instantly. I bring the blood to my tongue and as the blood slides from my finger to my tongue I feel a surge of electricity run through my veins I feel it run through my ears my eyes in my nose down my arms and legs my fingertips I instantly feel my muscles tighten and my energy increase a miraculous amount after one drop I feel like I'm connected to everything in the earth in the room.
John walks into the room holding what looked like some scrubs for me to put on. I look up at him and ask,
“Do you know what happened?”
He's quiet at first and very uncomfortable, after a few seconds of silent I yell,
“Tell me!”
After I yell I'm instantly holding his face down on the table being covered in blood. He start to sing like a little bird,
“We...we were doing an experiment.”
“What kind of experiment?”
I let him go and he stands up and backs away but continues to talk,
“On you, we injected you with an experimental drug, it slows your heart to almost nothing, stops the blood flowing through your veins, and your breathing, well you could last a whole lot longer underwater now, you feed on blood to give you strength and power you are in almost every aspect dead.”
The new hit me like a cement block had I had breath it'd be knocked out of me. The rush I felt from the blood was pretty much gone,
“Who the fuck told you you could do that to me?”
“You did, you signed a contract but obviously you don't remember that, you killed these people you killed everyone except me. You were a monster, I was surprised you didn't remember. The rage caused you to pass out and that's when I tied you up and his in the office. When I heard you break the chair I pretended to be knocked out.”
I grab his throat before he finished the last word, I can feel my eyes burning a hole through him if I had that power he'd be wasted to nothing. I move him over to the wall holding him up from the ground.
“This oughta teach you to fuck with people!” I squeeze his throat and feel his neck cracking in my fingers as he screams in pain, I dig my fingernails into his skin and draw blood as it pours down his neck to his shoulders I tighten my grip faster and he finally stops struggling and making noise I had killed this man with my bare hands, and I had enjoyed it.