Waiting Read Count : 106

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Motivation

waiting? now you might be thinking, "zoey what does waiting have to do with motivational stories/writings?" well this isn't really a motivatonal piece of mine. 

waiting is hard to do isn't it? well as hard as it is it's a normal thing all people have to sometimes, either it's waiting foor a new episode of you're favorite tv show to come out, or waiting for the pizza guy to deliver your pizza. sometimes it's good to wait, it helps you see what other things there is in life. like if you waited 4 months for the next season of a series to come out, and did't do anything else but stare at the tv waiting impatently. instead of doing that you could face your biggest fear, or write a storry, or even watch a different series while you wait. 

if you stare at a tv waiting doesn't a minute feel like an eternity? well if so, go have some fun, becuase then a miinute could feel like a second. i guess my point is, what's the point of sitting and waiting for an eterinty, why not, stop waiting, and go do something else? you could discover dinosaur bones and go on a ton f adventures. so what are you waiting for, GET OUT THERE AND STOP WAITING!!!! (i'd advise doing it during the day though)

hope you stop waiting, and start adventuring

-yours truly

~zoey lelonek~


  • No, I'm going to sneak out and "adventure" during the night...

    Jul 12, 2018

  • Jul 12, 2018

  • Aug 11, 2018

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