The Run Away Child Read Count : 121

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

There was a child who's mother and brothers hated him. They said mean things like your retarded your stupid no one likes you. each day  got worse like they wore saying kill your self your a pussy awtistic. But but his dad and one of his brothers loved him and that would be his youngest brother who cout them all saying mean things so he told his dad that was sitting in a chair that when you sit in it felt like soft feathers covering you. Then little Timmy showed his dad that they were all being jerks to Rick and then the hole family had a chat talking about how they need to stop picking on Rick. (The next day) the mother has a gun in her hand pointing at Rick saying you need to run away and never come back said by the mother in a yelling voice. Rick said I'm not unless I get $15K. The mother hands him a bag with $15K like she new this would happen. The boy asks why do you guys hate me . The mother doesn't reply. The boy runs out the door as fast as he can. Then he he said we're will I sleep were will I go what if somebody robs me and takes all my money Rick said sad scared voice then he went to this place called pulp716 he bout a drink then once he bout that drink he seen to super cute girls he said can I stay at you place for a couple of days 



  • Jacqueline Murphy

    Jacqueline Murphy

    this is why people need to stop bullying

    Jul 12, 2018

  • Jesse Ditillio

    Jesse Ditillio

    your right they do need to stop

    Jul 12, 2018

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