Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I used to believe the Moon knew my every secret, every want I ever had. I used to believe the Moon would teach me how to reach you.... silly me.
Truth is, the Moon only hangs in the same space, in the same sky, above us both. It's only a light, not a holder of secrets, nor a map to the road that leads to you.
It merely gives me silence, for me to make my own way. A light to reflect your ethereal Soul.... to make it possible for me to see from a distance, and know after a forever of journeying.... that I am on the right path, that I can make it to you.
The Moon, is only one common factor to tell us we can find each other, and to reassure us that we both arrived at the same time, in a current state of being, that we, were no accident.
The Moon, doesn't guarantee you'll be reached, no.... it's merely there as a ticking clock, marking each day.