You Made Mommy Mad- Short Story Read Count : 45

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Comedy

Prompt- A retired super villain is in the bank with her six-year-old daughter when a new crew of super villains comes in to rob the place.


"Oh no no, what is this amateur hour?" My little ones hand tightened in mine her fear filled eyes pulled at my heartstrings.

I didn't care what happened to these other people as long as she made it out okay. We had come to make a deposit, when these children decided it was play time.

"Shut it chubby, sit down like the rest of the hostage's and I won't shoot ya in yer pudding cup."

I took a quick survey. There were three that I could see and most likely a fourth out back playing get away driver. One and two were filling duffel bags with cash as three kept watch over us.

"Look hun I've had a pretty sh-" I stopped myself remembering the little ears currently listening. "Shabby day okay, and I will not deal with this bull patty anymore. It was cute at first but now its just pathetic." He raised his gun to shoot, eyes filled with determination.

"Look lady I tried to play nice, but now I got no choice."

"That's where your wrong we always have a choice, and mine is to beat the star dust out of you."

His eyes filled with fear as he came face to face with my super villain persona, Anti- Matter.

Back in the day I had been a pretty big deal in the villain circuit. Always in the news for something or another. The city's biggest hero's always on my tail. That was almost a decade ago, I gave it all up when I got pregnant with my little Nyota. I raised her with all the love I'd missed out on as a child.

I summoned a force field to block Nyota and by default the other pedestrians. The black swirls of the force field cut Nyota from my sight. It was for the beast she was too young to witness the vile things I planed to do.

" Y-your Anti-Matter, It's an honor to meet you," The want to be thug dropped to his knee, bowing his head in respect. I let out a dark laugh at this fool throwing himself upon my feet. Pathetic. "Others claimed that Bright Spot killed you in that final face off years ago, but I never believed them my Queen." He had to go their didn't he.

With a single thought I destroyed the floor beneath his feet, sending him straight down to the banks basement. As he falls I create a concrete prison around him, with that I fix the floor. He would suffocate, a slow agonizing death. He deserved it for scaring my sweet little star. It would take those good for nothing cops hours to undo my handy work, and by then it would be to late.

One and two paused their mad grabbing of cash, watching as their friend disappeared. One pulled out her gun while two kept grabbing for cash.

"That was my brother you bitch!" With that she let out a war cry. She was fast and I was... well rusty to say the least. I just barely side-stepped out of her way. This one would prove to be a challenge.

**** le perspective switch****

I arrived on seen to the sight of  ambulances checking over the had been hostages. I usually avoided robberies. They were for the newer supers looking to make a name for themselves. This one was too tempting, rumor going around was that she was involved. If She was here, that was an opportunity I couldn't afford to miss. A little girl in a simple yellow dress came barreling towards me with an EMT in pursuit. She grasped onto my leg refusing to let go, her small face covered in tears.

"Please Sir. mamas still inside, don't let them hurt mama!"  She sobbed tightening her death grip.

"Little girl please stop running, you need to be checked over for any ouches." The red faced EMT finally caught up with her. I held out my hand signaling that I would handle this situation. The EMT backed off to go help others in need. She loosened her grip. Looking up at me with her big green sorrow filled eyes.

"Take a deep breath and tell me your name little one." She did as I asked letting out something sounding like Nyke between sobs. "Are you positive that your moms not out here?" She shook her head. "She most likely over by the ambulances getting checked out, give me a minute and all find someone who c-"

Nyke ceased her crying, no remanent of sadness left to be seen only pure determination. "Your not going to help me. Are you?" It was asked like a question but said as a fact. She pushed off my leg running towards the bank. I chased after her, dogging people as I ran. All the while shouting for her to stop.

With an extra boost of speed I'm able to catch up with her, but it's too late we're already inside the building. I grab her so she can't run off again wrapping her up in my cap to protect her from harm's way. Quickly scanning for danger I see her standing in the middle of the floor. Chaos and distraction radiating around. She hasn't noticed us yet and I hope to keep it that way.

"Mama? Mama I want mama!" Nyke withered in my arms trying to break free. Anti's Head shot up at the sound. A light 'oh' escaping her lips. She moved closer. I never thought I'd see her again. After all theses years she's just as beautiful as the first time we met. Her dark onyx hair contradicted with the pure white of her suit. At first sight you'd think her a hero, but she was so much more than simply good or bad.

"Nyota what are you doing in here," her accusing gaze turned to me "And why are you holding my daughter." I set Nyk- no, Nyota down watching her run into her mother's open arms. Anti picked her up holding her in a loving embrace.

"So What happened to 'wanting the quiet life' Anti?" I looked her dead in the eye as I talked.

"Well I wouldn't have had to blow my cover if somebody was doing their job right." She readjusted Nyota on her hip, letting out an annoyed sigh. "Don't call me Anti, you know how much I hate it."

"Oh really well I'm not the one who let there," looking to Nyota she's busily braiding her mother's hair. "How old are you sweetheart?"

"Six and a half" she answered without facing me.

"Thank you, six and a half year old run loose at a bank robbery!" That made her mad.

"I did not 'Just let her run loose' okay I kept her safe, something you could never do." She palled as the last part left her mouth.

"What are you talking about Char, I didn't even know you had a kid till a minute ago?" I used her nick name hoping to diffuse the tension in the room.

"Maybe if you took that stupid mask off once in awhile, you'd know what you look like." Puzzle pieces began to fit together, showing me what I didn't know. Nyota's chestnut hair, her dazzling green eyes, even the age added up.

"Shit she's mine isn't she." Char didn't bother to respond, just nodded her head.

"Mommy," Nyota tugged on Chars shoulder, "he said a bad word." She stared me down with a death glare to rifle that of her moms "And I belong to no man."

"Well, You certainly are your mother's child." I let out a shaky laugh. My attention turning back to Char "Why didn't you tell me, you knew where I lived. That I always wanted kids someday? I could have been There for you, for Both of you."

She shook her head "you wouldn't understand."

"Oh enlighten me then" I scoffed.

"I didn't find out until after the...Well you know"

"By 'Well you know' you mean when I Proposed to you, and you threw my heart in the Trash!"

"No, I told you I wanted the quiet life. One free from all things super. Your the one who couldn't let go of the limelight. Just couldn't part with that stupid mask. We both knew it would never work," her eyes filled with resentment "Your the city's savior and I'm what parents teach their children to fear."

"Your right," I wasn't even sure if she had heard me, but I continued nonetheless. " I'm getting too old to keep playing hero." My hand grasped the side of my mask, pulling it up off my face. I give it a loving look before tossing it at her feet. "All give it all up, right here right now. Hell all walk outside this bank and announce it to the world, if you let me know my daughter. I've already missed so much, don't make me miss a moment more."

Char extended her pinky towards me "Do you promise" the small action brought back so many sweet memories. I moved forward wrapping my pinky around hers.

"Pinky promise" I whispered, tears rolled down her cheek, I went to wipe them away. But she took my hand in hers, leaving them to fall.

"Would you like to go for coffee maybe get to know you daughter?"

"I thought you'd never ask, but before we go what did you to the bank robbers?" A sheepish smile spread across her features.

"Shoot, do I have to let them out." I gave a strict nod. She snapped her fingers and a hole opened in the floor, all the while muttering about leaving them to rot. Inside three people stared up at us tangled together in what could have been mistaken for a hard core game of Twister.

"What did they do to deserve that?" I questioned.

"They made Mommy mad" Nyota chimed in as we worked are way through the rubble to the back door.

Char hummed in approval "that they did, my sweet little star."


Originally wrote this in a Pinterest comment section, but due to the character limit I couldn't write as much as I liked. So I thought to myself, hey why not write it somewhere else? Now here we are 1702 words later. (Not including this note). I have more planned for these oc's now I only need a good prompt ;). If you see a spelling mistake, politely point it out to me. Thanks for reading have a super day!


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