Liars Incorporated Read Count : 135

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Is there a single person in the White House who hasn't lied about Russian collusion?


Now it comes out that Fake President wanted to unilaterally lift sanctions against Russia at the very start of his administration. Those sanctions were put in place to punish them for their invasion of Crimea and Ukraine. Additionally,  our 17 intelligence agencies all reported evidence of Russia's hacking of our election. 

So why would Fake President push for a blanket lifting of sanctions without getting any concessions from Putin?

Fake President's Kremlin desires were dashed by the integrity of the career employees of State & Defense. They let key Congressional people know what was going on and those people let Fake President know they would not let this happen.

But the question remains, why did Fake President want to deliver such a full gift basket to Putin?

Why have Flynn, Kushner and Sessions lied on their national security forms and during Congressional questioning by claiming they never met with Russian diplomats or financiers?

Anyone who has been paying attention, even casually, should sense there is something very disturbing, very dangerous going on.

I assert that Fake President and his cadre of lying, corrupt, treasonous sycophants will be found to have colluded with Russia during the campaign and conspired to provide payback after innauguration.

We know that Fake President was used to running his businesses in under-the-table fashion, answering to no one. Did he really think he could run the country the same way? Apparently he did.

Now he will soon pay the price. 



  • Shaveria Shaveria

    Shaveria Shaveria

    hi text me now

    Jun 02, 2017

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