Broken Read Count : 65

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult


“Mommy. Mommy!” I stand up from behind the cars a sharp pain shoots through my arm filling me with nausea making my head spin. “Daddy! Mommy!” no one hears me. I walk to the clear screen door “mommy,” I whined quietly. I kick the door gently a few times. She still doesn’t hear or see me. I kneel on the ground wincing as I carefully set my limp wet noodle of an arm on my leg. Nausea rushes over me and my arm goes numb for second, I stretch to open the door propping it open with my foot. How does she not see me? I slip my right arm under my left. Holding it tight to my diaphragm. God I hope it’s not broken. OH who are you kidding Zaira you

know that’s it’s broken. You saw your arm when you lifted it off the ground.


         The morning of the incident I am outside skating. I think, I can go to the top of the neighbor’s driveway and skate down the hill and around the corner, I need to avoid the dip because I will probably fall and break my arm. I walk to the top of the hill and skate down missing the dip. Again! Again! Again! But this time I almost hit the ornamental pine trees that separate their driveway and ours, I regain my balance by rolling on my toes and running forwards. I walk up to the top of the hill again. I wish Lauren was here already. I skate down the hill as fast as I can on my Heelies. I swerve to avoid the dip but, I fall. I caught myself with my left arm. I sit up without using my arms. I hit the dip so I probably broke it. I think sarcastically. But it does hurt. I pick my arm up so I can cradle it for a second “Ahhhh” I gasp shocked. Did my arm just bend!? Of course it bent, I jinxed it. Oh course I broke it…okay what do I do? I pick my arm up off of the ground. It looks like I just picked a wet noodle off of my plate. I cradle it and walk back by the cars. I pace for a minute Okay what do I do? What do I do what do I do? Ha my dad said I would break my arm “Ahhhh oh god” I need to tell my parents. But I hate the doctor. Zaira calm yourself it’s probably not even broken you probably just saw it weird. I sit down and look at my arm yea it looks normal. I try to flex my hand and pain shoots through my arm “haha nope not happening” I say in a voice that is close to tears. Mommy!



  • Jul 09, 2018

  • Jul 09, 2018

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