Category : Articles
Sub Category : Lifestyle
Life is a challenge. From surviving Primary School and working your way up to college or working, the lessons and the challenges never stop. Big challenges like deaths of spouses and family members, to moving out of your home, to having a baby, to getting fired from a job...all the while having to contend with ALL the stress and anxiety that those things bring. Life is tough and you MUST learn from your mistakes and you MUST learn to grieve in a positive way. I worry about our young people. It seems that the smallest breeze would knock them over. The smallest things that happen, have them traumatized. Life requires some fight-back. Some backbone. Some strength. Some resilience. If your attitudes towards people is hateful, distristful, disgust..HOW can you navigate through lifes challenges with ANY form of success? You may as well stop living if you cant handle lifes issues and things get overwhelming very easily.
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