Some Writing Tips You Can Learn From My Experience Read Count : 185

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Sub Category : Motivation

Some of you may have read about how I began writing as a child. I was possibly going blind, so my mother showed me the beauty all around to give me memories if I ever went completely blind. Thankfully, that didn't happen, but that caring from her launched me into over 50 years of writing.

Here are some things you can do to help you on your writing journey:

  1. Keep learning. Don't think you know enough to be the writer of your dreams. Keep finding ways to improve your writing.
  2. Look for weak spots in your abilities such as spelling and grammar. People are going to judge your writing partly on the basis of those two things. 
  3. I enrolled in 5 classes of Creative Writing in college to bring my poetry to the professional level. Even though I am good at doing this, I keep learning more. 
  4. To be a good writer, you also need to be an avid reader.  You learn spelling and different ways of expressing what you want to communicate to your readers by reading a lot.
  5. I used to push myself to write a certain amount of articles each week, but I stopped doing that to myself. Why? Because I want more depth in my writing so my readers get more fulfillment from me. 
  6. Some people believe writers should keep writing without editing right away. I believe you should do your best with everything you write. You will probably add new ideas to what you have written as time passes, but do your best with each one before you go onto the next project. Otherwise it is like cooking dinner and not completing any of the courses until a later time. That could lead to overload and frustration both in the kitchen and your manuscript production.
  7. Be open to trying new kinds of writing. You don't have to keep doing it always, but give it a fair chance before you stop doing it. As you keep trying new ways of writing, it will keep you from getting bored and be great for your resume one day.
  8. Don't let people's opinions deter you from your goal. Sift what you hear and keep learning so you can be the writer of your dreams. People can be mean and may have a hidden agenda in what they say, like jealousy. Keep moving and shrug off the negatives or you will be stopped and have regrets later on.

How much is your dream worth to you? Your writing will evolve over time as your learning progresses. Don't give up no matter what happens. 

Action Point:

Write down what you want to be as a writer and go for it. Include what steps you will need to take to get to your goal. Only share your dream with those who are capable of speaking into your life in a positive way. You have a lifetime ahead to perfect it----if you don't give up


  • Jul 07, 2018

  • Indeed.

    Jul 07, 2018

  • Thank you for sharing, Dan. Truly appreciate this. 💜

    Jul 07, 2018

  • Jul 07, 2018

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