Summer Rain Read Count : 143

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Clouds are building in the distance.  I can see the wind in the trees as the limbs are bent. There is a feeling and a fragrance in the air that I can scent. A frantic little bird landed in a huff and then off he went. Who know what all that chirping meant. 

I always walk with my head up high.  I have learned to be just a touch paranoid. It is a healthy caution I try to avoid the storms of this  life. I know I can't always run from what could potentially bring me pain,  but again,  caution is my constant refrain. 

It's the season for it. Sometimes the only thing you can do is put your head down a bare through it the best you can, but for me,  if I can find a way to keep dry,  I will. 


  • Jul 06, 2018

  • Jul 06, 2018

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